
Ghost stories with silly endings please?

by  |  earlier

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Well, the question kind of says it all. Just no stories with normal or boring endings please. Funny or silly endings are totally accepted. my favorite is bloody finger, if you want to see it, i'll post it next




  1. one day there was a woman cleaning her house. her husband was at work and her kids were at a birthday party. suddenly the phone rang and a creepy voice said I'm the man with a bloody finger 6 streets away. assuming it was a prank call the woman hung up and continued cleaning. 3 seconds later the phone rang again "I'm the man with a bloody finger 2 streets away" and she was just starting to get a little scared so she went up stairs and continued cleaning and her mobile rang"I'm the man with a bloody finger opening your front door. the woman freaked coz she actually herd the door open so she went into her bedroom and tried to call the cops when she herd "I'm the man with a bloody finger walking up the stairs" she heard footsteps coming up the stairs so she went into the closet and made herself as small as she could then the closet door opened. there stood a dark shadowy figure that said I'm the man with a bloody finger.CAN I HAVE A BAND AID

  2. When I was a kid our teacher told us one about a woman who wore a ribbon her whole life, and everyone asked her to take it off, then she got married and for years her husband aske her to take it off and she kept saying no, then she got old and was on her deathbed and said to her husband he could take off the ribbon, and her head fell off :P

    Obviously it was more descriptive when our teacher told us :P

    I heard another one that always getts a scare :P

    I'll give you the short version, when you tell it you have to go into detail, and you have to get everyone to sit close and you have to whisper it :P (you'll see why at the end)

    A man moves into a house and is given a bunch of keys, he notices however that there is a small door leading to the attic that doesn't havea key. He soon forgets about it as he's so busy moving in. A few days later as he's going to sleep, he hears a scratching. It sounds like it's coming from the attic!

    He falls asleep and forgets about it, but it happens everynight. He tries to break the door open but it's impossible. The scratching is there everynight. A few months later he's going to bed and he notices a glint from behind the dresser in his room (the dresser was there when he moved in) He pulls out the heavy dresser and finds a small key!

    (this next part you have to make as spooky as possible!)

    He goes to the attic door to try, and sure enough it fits. The door opens with a creak, the light from the hall barely lights up the pitch black room. The room is dusty and old, with furniture covered in sheets everywhere.

    Then, from the corner of the room he hears a noise. He ducks  (the ceiling is low) and walks into the attic. It's  very very dark and he can barely see. He walks in a bit further and then hears the door creak shut behind him. He turns to open it but it's stuck, and won't budge. He hears the noise again, it's almost like a whimper and it's coming from the corner.

    He takes a lighter from his pocket and lights it. Then he goes to the corner, theres something huddled in the corner, shivering. He goes closer, and realises it's a little girl, and shes crying softly. How did she get in here? He thinks. He goes over to the girl and kneels beside her. She's crouched in the corner facing away.

    "whats wrong little girl?" He asks quietly. She keeps crying quietly. He asks her agian, "Whats wrong little girl?" But she still doesn't answer. Then she sloowly starts to turn around, and as he reveals her face to him , he is horrified to realise that ....


    Yeah you just suddenly scream as loud as you can, everyone will pee their pants :P

  3. there was a woman watching a scary movie suddenly a woman with huge finger nails and black lipsrings the door bell so she's scared and says wat do u want the lady says do u want to see wat i can do with my long finger nails? no she yells and runs to hide the doorbell rings again the lady yelllls do you want to wat i can do with my dark dark lips? no she yells go away or ill call the cops all of a sudden the ladys in her house she comes up to the girl and says i do this she put her finger up to her lips and ..........................go bwbwbwbwbbwbwb (lol the sound when you blow and rub ur finger across your mouth up and down it's better in person)

  4. OKAY this one time their was a man and his friends went out camping one night they all heard a loud noise coming from the woods his friends left but he stayed another day passed then this BIG 11 FOOT TALL MAONSTER AN APE MAN came out of the woods and he flipped out it grabbed him and said


  5. I heard a noise in my roof, so I got a ladder and climbed up into the manhole in the roof cavity to see what the noise was.  All of a sudden, while I was climing the ladder, something started pulling on my leg.....just like I'm pulling yours.


  6. There was this man....who many people held grudges against...even after their death.....

    ...One day, he bought a box of caramels....eager to eat them, he opened them up. But to his shock, there were 4 missing.

    He knew that the store owner wouldn't make such a big mistake; so he closed it and took a deep breath. Thinking it was just his imagination...

    But then, he opened it again, and now there were 5 missing! He reeled back in shock! He closed it and opened it again, this time their were 6 missing!

    He closed the lid slowly....taking deep breaths to calm his racing heart. He opened it once more...and there were NONE LEFT!!!! The whole box was empty!!

    He slowly looked under the lid and screamed!

    For they were all stuck to the bottom of the lid!!!!

  7. this isnt silly, just stupid. :)

    a little girl moves into a house with her parents.

    that night, she hears scratching coming from the attic so she walks downstairs to the kitchen and ...



    it was mr hanky the christmas poo all along!

    yea ..


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