
Ghosthunters or paranormal investigators please read?

by  |  earlier

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i wanna record my own evp's, i have a simple tape recorder. i think i caught one before but i couldn't make out what it was saying, is there anything i can do to get more, clearer evp's?




  1. You may need a more expensive tape recorder, something with better reception, keep trying and good luck.

  2. They do have programs for computers to help clear it up some.  This would be used for a digital recorder.  You can purchase one for under $40.

    You don't need anything special for recording EVP's

    Just for a tape recorder, No, that can't be cleaned up.

  3. A simple tape recorder will work if there is a lot of background noise you won't be able to distinguish anything anyway.

    Here are some helpful hints.

    Always make sure everything is turned off. A fan hums, and lights buzz.

    Make sure you leave 15 - 30 seconds in between questions.

    Try very hard to stand still when recorder is on. Whenever possible place the recorder on a stable surface away from your breath and body, to record.

    It might be wise to invest in a microphone for your recorder, it will enhance the sound you do catch.

  4. If you want clear EVPs then make sure you record in an area that has a lot of random noise.  You'll be much more likely to experience auditory pareidolia that way.  After all, if it isn't audible then how do you know it's an EVP?

  5. I would suggest that you start at the link below.


  6. I use a kinda cheap Olympus recorder that I got for my birthday.  This is a pretty good brand that most people I know use (being ghost hunting can be kinda on the expensive side and these usually run around 30 bucks)

    They come with their own program to load on to your pc.  There are programs that will also download for an analog recorder.  I'm not sure of the program being everything my team uses is digital.

    Invest in an omnidirectional mic if you do use analog.  A lot of times the tape running can over power the sounds being recorded. A mic placed away from the recorder helps cut this down.

    Adobe has some good programs out there. I haven't really used it myself, because, yeah, I'm a little computer illiterate.   I

  7. Set it up when you are going to be play it and soon it will stop see what it records

    If you snore don't bother ^^ That's all you will pick up

    Or set it up in a really spooky old! House

    Try this site! Lemme know if you pick anything up

    Or you can try going out and buying a really good recorder and ask how clear and how good it will work even tell them your reason

    I think making your own EVP is an awesome! IDEA!

    Try that link too^^ GL! on your findings! :)

  8. You need a digital recorder with a little funding to it, tape recorders are dated, not that they won't work all together, but they aren't exactly the cornerstone of technology these days.

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