
Ghostly encounter?

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Saw this show on TV today called Ghostly Encounters. Here's a link to it:

It was on A & E. Their theory is if you don't believe, you will never see or experience the paranormal, but if you do believe you will see it. Has anyone else seen this show? What do you think? I don't believe in ghost hunters, paranormal state, etc. but I do think this show is truthful. The only paranormal show on TV that I know is 100% truthful is Rescue Mediums. Anyways, opinions?




  1. idk, i believe in ghosts, like u no, of family and stuff, i dont really believe in "bad" ghosts. but i do think that u dont have to believe in ghosts to see them. i think that they'll let who they wat see them, if there are such things...

  2. I never really believed any kind of ghostly thing though I was always interested in it.  That is, until....  About a year ago, my two children went upstairs to get ready for bed just like they do each evening.  They came running downstairs, my daughter shaking and my son crying.  They said there was a man in my room and explained what he looked like completely and that he was holding a shot gun and that he just disappeared.  Startled, I went upstairs and searched everywhere, but there was nothing to be found.  My daughter started sighting any explanation such as maybe he climbed out the window  ( where he would have been dead).  I honestly didn't have any explanation and told the kids there was nothing to be afraid of and that their minds were playing tricks on them.

    a week after that, I told my neighbor this story to find out that five years prior a man shot himself to death behind my house.  She thought it could have been a ghost....  till now, I still wonder.

  3. Hah, yeah I've seen Paranormal State etc and was completely let down by it. It seems like everything is staged because they solve everything so quickly but show no real evidence of anything happening - only witness testimonies usually.

    I strongly believe in the paranormal for various reasons, but I'm very skeptical when it comes to these tv shows lol. Mostly because you can't be where the people in the show are to confirm anything.

    I'm not sure what to make of this theory, because often people who don't believe in that kind of stuff won't bother to engage in it in any way.

    But it still doesn't make sense to me that spirits would only want to appear to people who believe in or are likely to believe in the paranormal (unless they find that it'd be pointless to try to communiate with someone who will shrug them off, thats the only reason I can think of lol) If they're lurking around or trying to communicate, then there must be a reason as to why they're doing it, right?

    Either way, I'll stop rambling.

    I'm very curious about this show you're talking about though, and am hoping to check it out :)

  4. I believe that if you don't accept the possibility (in other words your a psuedoskeptic) that you grasp at any straw in order to confirm your belief. When you see a ghost you will say "it's the hat rack in the corner creating an image"

    Of course you won't bother to investigate and find that there is no hat rack because that would eliminate your explanation and not confirm your belief.

    So, people may see it and dismiss it (without investigation) or simple not talk about it.

    Most believers on the other hand have usually thought through and sought normal answers for their experiences and find that normal explanations don't fit the circumstances of their experience.

    If they didn't check the corner for the hat rack though they are as guilty as the skeptics of assuming.


  5. The ones who believe will find grasp at anything that confirms their belief ... and fall back on faith even when faced with facts.

    Non-believers will grasp at any explanation other than simple faith.

    No different for alternative science than it is for, say, man-made global warming or alien abductions.

  6. If it's true that you have to believe in them to see them...tell that to people who live in haunted houses and are trying to make the ghosts leave. Are you saying that all they have to do is stop believing that the ghosts are there and nothing will happen after that? I do believe in "ignoring" them..but there's no way they'll leave just because you don't believe they exist.

  7. I don't know about that I'm sure there are those who didn't believe in ghosts and had a ghostly encounter themselves that made them believe.

    I haven't seen that show yet... but i will.☺

  8. in my opinion, you do not need to believe there are ghosts and spirits in order to see them.  i have seen the show you are referring to and it is well done and interesting.  but,  theirs is only  a theory.   too many of us have seen and heard and experienced the paranormal for their theory to be on point.
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