
Ghostly experience?.......?

by  |  earlier

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anybody had any intresting ones?




  1. I have ^^

    I saw the spirit of my great-grandfather. I woke up one night, and he was at the side of my bed. He came to see my new bunkbeds, when he was alive he had wanted to see them but he couldn't [Too sick to leave the house] And when I woke up, he said the bunkbeds were lovely, and then he disappeared.

  2. I am a paranormal researcher and investigator, And I very often have spiritual encounters, The problem is that people just don't believe that things like I mention can really happen... Well they do and I really use to wonder why the people that have  a paranormal experiences  are not talking about them now I know why..... So I say this to all of you non-believers... Paranormal creatures are here and they are very real and your acceptances or non-acceptances will not change One iota of the reality of their existences...... Just remember that when you are attacked by a paranormal entity and you make that phone call to people like me to come and help you get rid of them........... And it is happening more and more so it is only a matter of time before your family is making that call.........

  3. Non - Tough apparntly I live in the most haunted part of the UK. Though thats the same as all the rest 0%

  4. There's one in my house.  I see a shadow of someone out the corner of my eye, turn around and its gone.  Lights go on and off randomly, the hairdryer turned on on its own, I hear footsteps upstairs, footsteps behind me, someone sniffing and knocking... lots of knocking!

    I've also got a ghostly cat who lives with us too!!!

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