
Ghosts? Do they exist? What do you think?

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I find it hard to believe that ghosts exist, i mean what is a ghost? in movies and such its a see through/white object that flys around ... then some people say its just a spirit u cant feel it or see it, spirit as in a person? are we going to be ghosts? I know some people that have said they've seen some, i dont believe it. i mean its too weird to believe, what do you guys think? No stupid answers please




  1. i have seen one, he was watching me washing my car ( 1975 ) i saw him for about 1 second,he looked like a normal person,when i described him to my mother in law,she went pale and said that it was her brother from overseas and she showed me a letter that she just received from overseas telling that her brother had just passed away--spooky--

  2. yes, it is weird, but ive seen it, and its still hard for me to belive, but ive seen it.

  3. there are demons in this world, it's not a big stretch for spirits to exist to.  

  4. Yes spirits really exist... And your belief or dis-belief will not change the reality of their existences one iota........................

  5. Yes. They are trapped souls waiting on judgment.  

  6. i believe in them  

  7. I think they're a very real possibility. If there's an afterlife, I'll probably come back as a ghost, because I've always got unfinished business lying around somewhere!

  8. Well, I know this may sound like a stupid answers but you may have to see your ghost to believe in one. It is not vital to our excisitance that we know ghosts excist. My father, who is one of the LEAST spiritual people i know, said that when my mom's grand mother passed away,  he woke up in bed and could not move at all, like he was paralyzed. He said that he saw my great grandma looking at him, then slowly fade away. God only knows why she showed herself to my dad.

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