
Ghosts . Do you believe / why ? Or why not .?

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Any true stories that you can tell us ?




  1. don't believe in them...just night mares and strong imagination...and demons playing tricks....

  2. I do believe in Ghost they exist, some says I have Third Eye (that has not completely open) Ghost can be there with you when you least expect them.

    I was halfway asleep with lights off (I couldn't sleep with lights on) then I suddenly feel that someone seat behind the my bed because I felt the bed get a little weight on my left. I didn't turn around because I know that is not my little brother or my sister because I didn't hear the door open. (I have a company in the room) - I just ignore whoever it is.

    Then  I fall asleep he seems like trying to get attention I rolled over and open my eyes and I see a shadow who is standing infront of me near the fan - then I closed my eyes again (never open it until waking up in the morning)

  3. I do believe in the possibility of spirits still lingering for whatever reason.  I do not pretend to have all the answers and readily admit that there is much more that I don't know than that which I do..

    No really good stories.. We lived in this house where we knew there was this place in the basement that was really creepy feeling, made your hairs on your neck stand on end, and we'd spend hours tossing the cat in that spot, it would scream and fluff up all over and freak out.. and when you were upstairs you could hear the piano down there being played even when no one was down there.. found out later a lady had hung herself down there... but that's all I've personally seen...

    After my dad died, my mom still swears a man who sounded just like him would call, and when she picked up the phone he was sobbing and saying her name over and over.. and she is sure it was my dad.. I never heard it, so I don't know.  It stopped after a couple months.. (He died violently).

  4. I do believe in ghosts and I also believe in spirits, I think ghosts are here because they are lost and or unexpectedly passed away, and spirits are your loved ones who have passed away coming back to see you check up on you, I just believe that

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