
Ghosts..Do you think they are actually "demons" or people who have died who don't know they are dead..or

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just your imagination..?




  1. there are demons but there rare but yes and if you run into one i would do something about it because some a just plain dangerous there is ways of getting rid of them but i don't know because i have never had to deal with it.

  2. There is a paradox world in between our world, life death and space. I think the evil deamonds are decendants from h**l, here to whisper evil thoughts and sort of act as our bad conscious. Then "Ghosts" I think are people who were actually humans once, whereas demonds are a species of their own (called Gins) and never were humans. Ghosts are spirits who are lost, or won't let go and go to the other side.  Either becuase they are scared or have un finished business. Sometimes ghosts can go to the other side and come back to visit and check up on loved ones that are still here!

    This is my theory, but then again, I am very in tune with the other side!

  3. they do not know they are dead

  4. demons do this world anything is possible.

  5. actually a ghost is a part of your soul that rips from the actual soul at the moment of death. The ghost looks like the former body because the part of the soul that ripped was the one containing the memories and information the last carrier adquired during his or her lifetime, the rest of the soul just passes on to the next person but is as if it never went into the ghost when it was a person, you get me, human? I mean is a very complicated area and i want you to understand. So a soul is not visible, what makes the ghost visible is the aura of the person, when aura and soul touch they create what is called ectoplasm, which is what ghosts, phantasms, and poltergeists are made of, this makes the ghost visible and gives it the ability of being visible and invisible whenever they want. All these are just theories. Us, the magical council haven't established what ghost really are and what they are made of or how they come to be.

  6. I think that mostly what we see that we call ghosts are actually the spirits of people who have died and simply not crossed over to the spirit plane.  I'm pretty sure they do know they're dead.  

    But for whatever reason, they don't cross over - they are too attached to the physical world - they died suddenly/unexpectedly in an accident, or their lives were taken from them (murder), or they feel they have unfinished business with their living loved ones that they must find a way to attend to, fear of judgement/punishment...there are a number of reasons one may choose not to cross over right away upon their death.  

    But I do believe that they only have a limited opportunity to cross over upon their deaths, and that when that time runs out, they are stuck here until someone comes along that can actually help them cross over.  This is why I believe some living people are actually given the gift to be able to communicate with and help these spirits.

  7. yes

  8. i don't know about ghosts that people see all the time but i do believe it's demons all the mediums are talking to. Demons constantly watch people and follow them and it would be very easy to fake and pretend to be a dead spirit of a family member.

  9. Ghosts are not demons, ghosts are not dead people either.  Ghosts are the traces of very real people, still alive, left by their passing in an existential world.  Like the heavy feeling of the traces left by the multiple presences of people coming and going on a train platform, here, then gone, here, then gone.  This is far more haunting than stories about dead people, and quite real in origin.

  10. Demons have never lived in human form. . .Ghosts have

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