
Ghosts? ... Real or just myth?

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Are ghosts real or not?




  1. There is no tangible evidence, just anecdotes, which implies they are internal mental phenomena. Recent research, eg that by Dr Richard Wiseman suggests they are the result of subconscious interpretation of environmental effects.

  2. i don't know cos there are lots of things that seem impossible but do happen which makes me think that that there r ghosts but as i hav never incountered an incident like that i still don't believe in them.

  3. Listen up some people have something called clairvouyance it may be minor or most in some but ghosts do exist if your minds eye can comprehend basically if you see them and it would be on ocasion that one does it isnt gonna smile for the camera

    the people that can are usually outcasted by others as crazy when truthfully they just dont know what i know

  4. I see them day and night since i was like 3 years old.

    It doesn't matter to me whether or not ppl say they r fake, i know they are real.

    U gotta see to believe and trust me i've seen!

  5. I like to know why some people believe in ghost and some don't. Ghosts if you want my opinion are real, no matter what non-believers say. My mom and I never believe in ghosts until she encounter one at her old job in the warehouse area. She saw a shadow on the wall and she realize no one was there and she ran so fast, she didn't realize she could move that fast. But yes, ghost are real  and their an organization called The Parapsychological Association. There are many organization across the US that investigates  on these hunting's. the reason why people don't believe them its because its not scientifically proved, but even it goes get prove it sure will create another branch of science. This will take some years if someone should prove ghosts are real. To the individual who had experience the phenomenon will say ghosts are real. So it falls into those two categories.

    Here is a good web site you can checkout on paranomal.

  6. It's actually depends on how u think. If u think it's real, it might be real but if u think it's not, it might not be true. Anyway, I feel that ghost is actually just myth since we can't see them why must we care about it????

  7. Yes there are ghosts (or spirits if you prefer) They're nothing to do with any man made god they're simply the souls of those who have crossed over to another dimension.

  8. it depends on the person becos u see, ghosts are supposed 2 be somthing to do with our minds. so for som peopl, its real. for others, its not.

  9. They are real. I see my ex b/f all the time around where he killed himself. I also see my older brother who was killed in a car accident many years ago.

  10. Why if there are ghosts [and don't we all wish we could contact our dead loved ones] can they not prove who they are by 100% specific information?

  11. This doesn't belong in science & mathematics.

    Secondly, no.

  12. I can't see how one can prove ghosts are real.

  13. haha I love the categorisation.

    I work in a hospital where thousands of people have died over the years and as I'm a nurse i've seen lots of people die, and I've never seen one, ever.

    But that does not mean I dont believe it, but, I'll believe it when I see it.

  14. myth, of course they are not real!!!!!

  15. Ghosts are not real. It is only an imaginary

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