
Ghosts Spirits What Could It Be?

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I just moved into a new house and I have heard many strange noises. For instance when I was in bed, out of nowhere in the middle of the night my guitar made a very loud noise. Something seemed to have strummed it. I looked at it and nothing hit it or anything. It was in in front of my closet door when it happened. One other time I was cleaning my room and I was so tired so I went on my bed to take a nap. I kept hearing breathing, when I stopped breathing I could still hear it. Another time my friends and I were in my room listening to my Ipod with the speakers and talking about stuff and in the middle of our talking we heard a huge BANG on my sliding glass door and then we freaked out. After a while we forgot about what happened and kept talking and then my shutters covering my glass door looked like someone hit them but nothing was there. Please help me figure out what is going on!




  1. I think it's time to call ghost busters. Someone doesn't want you there. It sound like there are some unresolved issues going  on there with the previous owners.

  2. well either it wants to tell u somthing or its a angry spirit that wants u to leave the house but dont freak out when u encounter it talk to but dont prevoke it. there have been some spirits in my old house an before i moved out i made peace but it wasnt bcause i was moving out the spirit in my room used to knock over stuff in my room in plain sight i would be looking at a cup or somthing an it would get pushed over creepy i no best of luck ;)

  3. sounds likes your house is haunted.  

  4. WOW thats scary its probubally haunted you should call a priest or sumtin to put holy water everywhere....

  5. It is definitely a POLTERGEIST !!  Try to rig several cameras and if you can get a photo, you can make millions with it .

  6. your house is haunted

    call the ghost hunters :p

  7. Hello there,

                    I'm Psychic and i have a lot of experience  with these types of problems. Send me a E-mail and we can talk about getting you a full in depth reading with your name and date of birth. but sounds to me like you have some spirit activity going on.

  8. I have experienced something similar to what you are experiencing. What is happening is that demons or evil spirits are in your home. What you need to do is pray and ask Jesus Christ to protect you and your family. By praying I mean simply going somewhere privately and just talk to God (like you would a normal person) and ask him to protect you and your family). If any demon bothers you or anyone in the family you can command that demon to leave you and your family alone in the name of Jesus Christ. By commanding them I mean telling them forcefully as if you could see them (like you would a human being) to leave you and your house alone, using the name of Jesus Christ. Before you and your family go to bed I suggest strongly that you pray asking Jesus Christ to protect you and your family while you are sleeping. I also suggest asking a pastor to bless your house. Apparently the demon is either attracted to the house itself or the land that the house is on. Perhaps the previous owner was involved in the occult and that can attract demons to a particular house. It is also possible that a previous owner could have died or perhaps the land that the house is on was a place that a lot of people lost their lives.

    It is also my estimation that the reason why the previous owner moved was that they experience alot of strange occurences. Normally when a house is haunted the person tells to sell the house much cheaper than usual because they want to move out and get the house out of their hands as soon as possible.

    After the pastor has blessed your home if any strange thing occurs command those demons to leave you and your house alone in the name of Jesus Christ. If the problem persist I suggest you moving.

  9. I thinks its your imagination playing tricks on you. When I was little I use to hear the tune of my pokemon game on the gameboy color playing as loud as possible. I thought it was on, so I rushed to my handheld and it was off... I heard it because I played it too much, and I could not think of something else, so my mind subconsciously played the tune in my head.

    The breathing thing was probably you breathing... You said you stop breathing, but maybe you were so startled you did not know you stopped breathing. Or it was your parents breathing and the house was so quiet or something.

    The bang could have been the wind knocking something into your window. See there's an explanation to everything... Ghosts and spirits don't exist...

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