
Ghosts and people who see them!?

by Guest57675  |  earlier

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has anyone ever seen or constantly see ghosts? whats the experience like?is it strange or scary in anyway?

please take the question seriously!!





  1. For me, and my other psychic friends, it's always been scary.  You turn the corner, and bam, there's a lady.  Not as in evil scary, more as in, "You scared me!" scary.  If that makes any sense.

    When I was a child, it was really scary.  As in "Am I going to die" scary.

  2. I have seen & felt the dark soul of a 36 y/o man who died in our home,previous to our living in it, of a "so called drug overdose". 21 people were attending the Party that night,& he was found dead,in a second floor room that requires entering several other rooms to find this area of the rather large,4 level, Victorian home,some 14 rooms.Always appearing in the corner of ones eyes,a shadowy figure,that will lurk until looked directly at & fade away.Others in the house have seen this figure.When alone always a feeling of not really being home alone.The most unusual occurences of the home,the constant twisted & bent silverwear.Twisted in the most unusual ways!Neighbors have seen these forks,knives,& spoons.At first they thought someone in the house(only 3 people)were doing it.How do you bend a spoon sideways?Fork tines bent any way you might imagine.So,why would we bend our own cutlery?We used it on a daily basis.We always found it annoying.You eventually resign yourself to thinking;Okay,he's upset,'cause he was alone & died while others partied on,& no one looked closer into how he overdosed,or maybe it was someones  fault at the Party,the "Party" that ended the tenancy of all the people who once resided there....EDIT:..The House is now twisting onto itself,so we purchased the house to the south,(not shown).The home can't be saved.We've been watching,waiting & anxious for the day we have an extra lot.The loss of this home is sad,because she's a Grand one.

  3. Several months ago, I began to seriously develop my abilities as a medium. I was working as a building super in a large apt. building and I began to catch glimpses of shadows in the hallways while I was doing rounds late at night. In my apartment, I would see little balls of different colours shoot right across my line of sight, sometimes doing really incredible maneouvers and I assumed, at first, they were simply the fae. As luck would have it, I connected with two other tenants who were "sensitive" and their experiences were far more profound than mine. One experienced having her body actually taken over and had two month-long visits to the psych ward of a local hospital before she was able to begin to understand what was happening. Another had waken on numerous occasions to see a shadow hovering over one point it had actually put hands around her neck and left marks. She had to use a variety of protection methods to stop these visitations and now they can only intrude when she dreams.

    I am a student of chaos magick and had erected a protection barrier, when I moved in, against all energies and entities with harmful or ill intent so my own experience, visually, was a lone nightmare that left me terrified to open my bedroom door because I had seen the entity exit that way.

    My hauntings at present are somewhat unusual, have lasted for a number of months and a large part of that time has been spent trying to understand why it was happening. Every evening (even now) I would lay down and within a few minutes, I could actually feel what seemed to be small feet jumping onto the bottom of my bed. The mattress springs would react and it felt like a bunch of cats kneading the mattress prior to laying down for a nap. I can feel them brush aginst my legs and the blanket as they move.

    For a few months, this went on and I continued to get more annoyed. I would ask for protection from negative energies and entites, request protection from my guides before laying down and even used holy oil but none had any affect. I had a new guide appear one day, while journeying in trance, and the visitations stopped the same evening. That lasted for only a couple of weeks before resuming with even greater intensity. I can recall tossing and turning for over 6 hours one night, totally paranoid, and then getting up, absolutely livid. I was cursing my guides for allowing this to happen and because they weren't doing a d**n thing to stop it.

    It was actually a lady I connected with on YA, who has since become a good friend, who helped to figure out what these nightly visitors were and are, because it still continues but it doesn't frighten me in the least now.

    If you've read any books by Sylvia Browne regarding animal spirits, you'll know that they nap often and have the ability to travel out of body. Through considerable searching, educated suggestions from a few select "sensitive" friends and requests to my guides for insight, it became obvious that I was being visited by animal spirits. For some reason, they were attracted to my light and it took considerable time to come to terms with this. Like you are probably thinking now as you read this, I also thought this notion - initially - was absolutely ridiculous. But I began to examine some of the learning I was doing in developing my mediumship abilities and it has been unlike anything I've done before. I trust my protector guide implicitly and now know this was an essential part of my learning process.

    I'm not a nutcase and I assure you I'm not on drugs or hallucinogens.These nightly visitors are very real and the lessons I needed to learn were overcoming my fear of the unknown and trusting my guide's protection. Presently, I request protection from my protector guide and Kwan Yin and ask that, if these animal spirits need to move on, that she assist them in going to the Light.

    Too often these d**n shows on TV are only interested in ratings with no regard to assisting the disembodied sprits to get home. And any "haunting" is automatically assumed to be malevolent, which is not always the case. The entities are reaching out for help and react to the emotional energy of the one they wish to get the attention of...and if that person is fed the c**p that all spirits are bad and evil, it is reflected in the entity's behavior.

    Sorry for going off on a own experiences have given me a unique insight. I'm not saying there aren't malevolant entities...some places accumulate a lot of negative energy and people with addiction or physical and mental health problems can become prime targets for more serious hauntings. Like my friend, these beings can control a person's behavior and the person has no realization it is happening. Very similar to picking up on other's misery, as in the case of empaths, and assuming the negative feelings originate from within them.

    My haunting continues but I'm no longer frightened in the least. I have the assurance and knowledge that I am protected and any of these animal spirits that visit tend to move around for 5 minutes or so and then settle down. On two occasions, I did request that they communicate with me through my dreams but I stopped that. I experienced significant emotional distress, when I woke up, that did not reflect my present circumstances and it was quite uncomfortable. It may sound strange but I consider it an honour that they can find comfort and protection around me....but I've always had a special affinity for animals, especially cats.

  4. When I was in second grade my first grade teacher died. I was sitting in my room and looked out the window towards our dinning room and saw him standing there looking at me then he ran into the bathroom. It was not scary I remember feeling like he was watching over me I really liked him he was a nice guy thats why I dont think I got scared.

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