
Ghosts / paranormal experiences ????

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hey guys i wanna know some experiences you've had or any kind of stories you've heard, i dunno why but this stuff interests me.

creepiest one gets best answer :)




  1. Once I lay down for a nap home alone, when I awoke my 350 dollar denture was missing from my mouth. Unless people like swiping dentures, I think this was a spiritual event. Too much to believe that someone could reach into my mouth while I was sleeping without waking me; more believable is Satan doesn't like Christians, and will torment in ways that show it had to be him and no one else. Strange, but true. Lost a pair of glasses the same way. Home alone, door locked, set my glasses on my nightstand, turn out the light. Next morning, no glasses anywhere. Even if I were a sleepwalker,which I'm not, the missing items ought to turn up somewhere...they haven't. Twilight Zone.

  2. my deceased great-grandmother visits my dreams and tells me things that i need to know and gives me messages to give to other family members... then when i wake up "dead time" is over

  3. I've had a few experiences actually. I've been touched on the arm and hand while just laying in bed and heard whispering. I've seen the figure of a hooded man just standing out in the street when I was in my room with my Dad. I told him to look as soon as I saw it but there was nothing there when he looked. Also, after my Gran died, I was at a local youth club and they brought in, like, spiritual/angel healers and I thought "hey, let's give it a go." So I walked in the room with this lady I'd never met before and all of a sudden she told me my name, my age, my gran's name, other people in my family who'd died and how they'd died. It was incredible. I was speechless. She made contact with my Gran and put my mind at rest about not saying goodbye to her and she told me she wasn't in any pain anymore. It was truly an awesome experience. :)

  4. I have answered this a couple of times in this section now. This is just one of the unexplainable things that occurred in this house. I have also seen and heard many other freaky things too.

    However, whenever something immediately unexplainable happens, we are far too quick to conclude "ooh, that must be a spirit." or if it happens out in the open in the form of funny lights in the sky the immediate response is "ooh, that must be a UFO." People just jump to conclusions to easily.

    Having said that though:

    I have seen a cross fly across a room. This was in a house my friends mum was renting for the family. It was a while ago now. I helped them move in, and as happens when you move in to a place it is usually totally void of furniture or ornaments etc. So was this place save for a cross that was about 300-400mm (12-15 inches if you prefer!!) high. Next to it was an ominous note with a warning: "Do NOT Remove this Cross from this exact spot!!"

    So, being teenagers, we were about to move it when my pal's mum screamed "Don't touch that!!"

    Anyway, I used to hang out at this house quite a lot - especially on week ends. There were a few 'odd' things that occurred. One Saturday night my friend’s younger brother and I were sitting in the lounge room after everyone else had long since gone to bed. We were just watching a movie when we heard a funny whistling tune that seemed to be coming from the wall! So we set off to find the noise and we went to his other brother’s room where the tune seemed a little louder. Now, you have to know two things here. One, this brother was sound asleep but no noise was being emitted from him apart from breathing. Two, he is profoundly deaf! So even if awake, there is no way he would whistle a tune. We then went into the hall, remember that it would have been 2 or 3 am, and as we walked down the hall there was a loud "bang". We found that the door to lounge room had slammed shut. The whistling had now stopped! There were no other doors or windows open, and nobody else was awake and up and about at the time. However, it did now wake the rest of the house (save from his deaf brother who remained in bed asleep) and they came out to see what on earth we were doing. When we tried to explain, everyone thought we were making it all up and being idiots.

    A couple of weeks later again in the early hours of a Saturday morning, we heard the whistling again except this time there were 4 of us that could hear it. So, two went one way and the other two went the other and again "bang" the lounge door slammed shut again and the whistling immediately stopped!

    Upon returning to the lounge, we were all a little startled, we were obviously in full debate about what was causing it and the brother and I were telling how it had happened before. The others were arguing that it was co-incidence and in fact we had not witnessed it before when the real scary part happened. The cross, that was sitting in the exact position it had been left before we arrived, literally 'flew' off the mantle and landed in middle of the room some 4-5 yards from its original resting place. Simultaneously to that, the door that had previously slammed shut suddenly flew open. Now, none of the people that were present are religious in any way but that cross could have been $1M that night we revered it so much.

    We all just gasped and stared at the cross in middle of the floor and then at each other - aghast!! Nobody dared speak for a long time. Somebody, could have been any of the 4 of us I cannot remember now, finally got up and replaced the cross onto the mantle again.

    Reading this back does not seem that bad, but believe me it was terrifying at time.

    There were many other weird things that happened in that house that were unexplainable to us. However, if we had access to some researchers all we would find that is these things could have been explained in light of day in a comprehensible and concise way. No demons, no spooks no ghosts, just plain science.

  5. I will only tell one story and keep this short.. i had been hearing noises so i ended up going to bed.. but first i went into my mothers room.. she was in another country and i was going to sleep in her bed because it is very comfortable.. i was lieing there with the lights off falling asleep and then i heard the "eeeee" sound when the bed moves and something sat down by my feet.. the bed moved down i felt myself roll a bit.. i opened my eyes turned the lights on.. looked around and then grabbed my stuff and ran out of the room.. so i went into my room to sleep in my bed.. and at the time i was on the bottom bunk (sharing room) and i lied down and with my eyes closed you know when someone comes close to you, you can just tell? you hear your breathing different and that? well i felt someone going very fast right above me comes extremely close to my face.. and even though my eyes were closed i seen a face in my eyes and i jumped up in my bed and ended up hitting my head on the bunk above me.. it happened so fast and scared me so bad i didn't want to go to sleep.. I have many many many stories that i could honestly write a book with.. even though this might not sound scary it was actually one of the scariest experiences i had.. i could feel my heart beating against my chest..

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