
Ghosts real or not????????????

by  |  earlier

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you can't see them but they or real why dont you believe in ghost ? what would it take to make you believe that ghosts or real?




  1. They are not real, we may like to thing that there is more to life than what we see but, probably there isn't.

  2. I live in a kinda haunted house i bought few years ago.I love this house,but sometimes i can't sleep thinking of those two persons murderred inside before i found this house.The lady maids all are gone one after one cuz they said that they couldn't sleep well,there were something around that disturbed.I myself never have met one of the entities,i hope not.Well,until i see it,i hardly believe it.Just a bit fear that if 'that' comes behind me,i'd drop my spaghetti and would run away.

  3. I kinda do

  4. I can see ghosts, they just cant see me

  5. yah it is true those are what you call spirts spirts are real but they can't touch you

  6. they are not called ghosts there called spirits and yes i believe in spirits , i cant see them apparently but i can feel them sometimes its a cold chill that starts from your leg up to your body and its a scary feeling something is watching you i saw a spirit before but it dissapeared quickly , there all over the place i apparently have 6sense some people can have 7 or 8! but when we were we have 8senses thats why we had imaginary friends which were mostly spirits you were talking to but when you get older people confuse your life and you have to pay attention to school and stuff.

    (6sense is no good trust is annoys u like h**l you can sleep alone and you must keep the lights on , they just scare you and want you to be awake so plz dnt think its the greatest thing to have cuz it isnt)

    And spirits are real , there just the lost souls who wish to stay on earth soil and finish up something or rather would stay on earth than heaven, but spirits in  heaven can visit us once in a while on earths soil :)

    Hope this helps you.

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