
Ghosts what your opinion?

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what would you do if you saw a ghost i love to go on a ghost hunt




  1. I am not sure if ghosts really exist. But I would love to see one.If I came face to face with a ghost, I poperly die of shock.

  2. depends if it was a scary ghost i would scream but if it was a spirit of someone i no then i would scream at first then once i had calmed down i would try to speak and then maybe go to like a medium or something =] .xx.

  3. I have seen ghosts, I like to talk to them.

  4. OK take the mick or what ever but i have a real phobia of ghosts as having an over active imagination which doesn't help. I'm open about this and this only really affects me about 2 am when the whole house is quiet.

  5. I dont think we could interact.

  6. id eat it!

  7. Veronica Alicia, did you try Maryland?( 'v heard lots of c**p coming form people living in maryland)

    If they don't know that Isaw them, or if they don't see me, I would stare at them.  I saw ghosts when I was young, I only scream when I saw a gaint spider the size of a new born ( probably a little bit bigger I guess ) It was crawling towards me. I screamed and cryed until someone turned on he light. ( that when the spider disappeared) That's when I realized, I was seeing ghosts. From that day on, I never looked at any walls while the light were off, But now I am, just too see if what I saw was really a ghost. ( i don't see anything now)

  8. Walk up to it with my hand stretched out before me and try to touch it.  I would want to know all about it.  Who it was.   Why they were there.  Could I do anything to help them.  It would be awsome!

  9. I can tell you what I did. I sat very still and just watched.

  10. Document it. Record it. Enjoy it.

  11. I would take myself off to the doctor - as there are no such thing as ghosts, I would be hallucinating and I would want to know why.

  12. you can record ghost with tape if you ask the question it plays back answers it is called ESP

  13. I have been on a ghost hunt.

    I've spent several days in York, reputedly the most haunted City in England.

    I've toured all the areas where ghosts are supposed to hang out.

    Guess what?  Not even a ghostly sigh nor a puff of cold air.

    I think all these ghost stories are either a con to make money, "tales told by idiots to make a trap for fools" or somebody's vivid imagination working overtime.

    Sorry - I don't believe in ghosts.

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