
Giant Camel spider on the loose in Essex... I'm scared, anyone else?

by  |  earlier

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What if it was a female with eggs?.. with our now warm winters, they could multiply. I'm moving to Iraq.

.. camel spider bite :




  1. ill come down an catch him...

  2. Cool.

  3. *Note to self: Do not go to Essex until it has been caught!"

    Luckily I don't live near Essex, empathy to those that do with that gross thing on the loose!

  4. The thing that made me shudder is camel spiders also hiss!


  5. I'd be more scared of a Giant Spider Camel.

  6. Well, I live up north, so I thought I was safe...

    However, if it runs at 10 mph, there is a possibility it has already reached this area!!


  7. Yes. I absolutely detest spiders. The bigger they are, the more I hate them. I could not cohabit with this thing. I don't even like sharing the same country as it.

  8. Best place for it....hahahahaha....

  9. There would have to be two for them to have babies. In all of Essex you think that you will come across this spider?

  10. If she'd had eggs she would have laid them and stuck close by them, so no eggs ready to hatch and no male to fertilise them.

  11. it WONT multiply, oh and they are not fatal to humans

    edit - instead of thumbing down people giving you sensible opinions perhaps you should research into them a bit more, instead of acting like a brat

  12. Scared is a slight understatement terrified would be more apt, well that's that then I'm not going down to essex until its caught the very thought gives me the jitters.

  13. Whew I'm glad I'm in Ireland.

  14. Nothing a size ten will not cure

  15. urgh what an ugly critter

  16. Don't worry you won't fancy any breakfast in the morning! We swallow roughly 8 spiders in our sleep every year, YUM!

  17. camel spiders are ugly swines!!

    when my dad was over in saudi he said they were so horrible they werent scared of humans, they would actually chase people in the sand lol!!

    yeah im kinda scared and i live all the way down in south wales!

    i hate hate HATE spiders of any kind, and the fact that that one is the size of a small dinner plate is even more scary!!

    nuke the swines!!!  

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