
Giant african millipedes?!?!?!

by  |  earlier

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hey i have a gient african millipede and i was wondering what other substrate can u put on the bottom of the millipedes tank apart from coco fibre cause its hard to find coco fibre here. thanks




  1. organic (pesticide and fertilizer free) potting soil stick it in the mircowave for about 1 minute too kill any nasties that may be living in it and u have a nice clean easy to acquire substrate  

  2. totally agreed with above, but you are going to want to microwave or bake the soil longer than a minute.

    white flies can survive up to 10 minutes in the micro, trust me i've been there, and IT SUCKS!

    i had to replant and clean 3 tanks for my geckos because of those buggers.

    you can also use bed-a-beast or organic jungle earth from pet stores, even peaked moss is good tooo :D

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