
Giant rollercoasters!?

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Yeah, those huge, fast and mind blowing roller coasters. Like, Sheikra! Aw, i really wanna ride it, but i don't wanna die lol cause i guess my stomach is pretty weak, so how do i fix this? Get a stronger stomach i mean... if it's even possible?




  1. well i guess you just have to say to yourself, how many people have really died on this ride? i mean if your gonna live there are always gonna be risks but the outcome is much better then risk. and look at the bright side at least its not top speed dragster in cedar point which is 400 ft tall, sheikra is only 200, but the hardest part is getting on and sitting down, once accomplished you will enjoy it and the hardest part is out of the way.

  2. Haha.  Well, one thing you can do, is buy Dramamine, Stugeron, or Bonine/Antivert.  All of them can help prevent you becoming sick on roller coasters.  Of course, all of these must be taken before getting to the park.  My stepmother actually takes these whenever she goes on a boat, or roller coaster.  She claims they work, but I have never tried them personally.

    Another avenue you might try is the Relief Band.  Its a fairly expensive gizmo that you wear like a watch.  They are claimed to work pretty well for roller coasters from what I have read.  

    Or, stomach replacement... But I think, its more in the brain then the stomach anyways.  :-)

    Good Luck!!


  3. well, Ive been on Sheikra and its not that bad really, the thing about it is that its kinda scary cuz they kinda hang you up there and let you see everything down below, and they wait a minute or so till they drop you XD its awesome. After that its just like any rollercoaster I think. Well, I dont really have an answer to your question, just uh dont eat much before going on it and have fun lol
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