
Gibbs Racing...?

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Oh my Gosh!

Im getting sick of this Joe Gibbs racing c**p.

They dont even race anymore. They just wreck the other cars to win.

I thought Stewart was bad but Denny and Shrub are definately more ruthless. I think Stewart needs to get out of that Toyota BS.

Go Keselowski!

Dont let the Cup drivers puch you around?

What do you think?




  1. Yeah , you know I really used to like Denny.  But this year, he has turned into such a a--.  Tony really needs to get out of the pronto.

  2. wow keslowski fans seem to be just as stupid as the jr fans are

    brad hit him first

    jr should have gotten black flagged, but hes jr, who can do anything, except win lol

    and brad seems to think hes aloud to race during a caution accordig to what he said during the postrace interview

  3. I think JGR is the best so far this year.

  4. "Go Keselowski!

    Dont let the Cup drivers puch you around?"

    Don't let the Cup drivers push you around? I'm sorry, but who started the whole Brad Keselowski/Denny Hamlin thing tonight? That's right Brad did. He had no business getting under Denny and lifting him off the ground during a CAUTION lap; Pissed off about Denny blocking him or not, that's something he should took care of after the race.

    And yes, Denny also shouldn't have retaliated like he did or make the comments that he did either, I know. But Junior should have never touched Denny at all either; Owner of the car/teammate or not, that was not his place.

    But that's not the point.

    The point is the Gibbs guys don't need to wreck anybody in order to win because they possess a thing called talent. Let's take Kyle's win tonight for example, he won fair and square tonight and not once did he touch anyone. But maybe none of you will take that as valid example because Kyle was not racing as Gibbs driver tonight.

    So here's another, Denny purposely got into it with Keselowski tonight, yes I know that, but he did not win because of it.

    Also, the Richmond accident, yes, I did just say 'accident', with Kyle and Junior is another great example, Kyle got loose under Junior with only a few laps to go and that ended with Junior in the wall, yet Kyle did not win that race either.

    So, please, refresh my memory on a time where a Gibbs driver PURPOSELY, as in not by accident, wrecked someone AND won that race because of the incident, because, at this time, I do not recall any.

  5. ur wrong lil k racing like crazy , top bottom , top bottom,

    it didnt even look like he was braking in the turns

    ur wrong man jgr rules

  6. Did anyone actually watch the race tonight? Brad was upset because Denny constantly blocked him. Brads car was obviously faster than Denny or Kyles. He allowed his frustration to show during the caution, Denny got that "How dare you" attitude and almost took Brad out of the race. Jr used the chrome horn to say "Hey! chill out!"

    OH! and BTW! to all you Kyle fans out there. You were bashing Jimmie for conserving fuel to win and saying Danica didn't deserve to win the way she did. Tell me, what won Kyle the race tonight? the speed of his car, his talent or pit strategy?

  7. Did nobody see that 83 car ram the back of the 20? Hmm if that had been Kyle this board would a lit up saying he should be fined or whatever. So OK all who said such about Rowdy in the past, how much ya think they should/will fine Earnhardt for rough driving?

  8. I'm just waiting to hear from someone who isn't going to be a little biased in the answer. You're biased because you're a Junior fan. I'm biased because I'm a JGR fan, but I'm trying not to be because I say all three of them are at fault (Junior, Denny, and Brad)

    Don't settle your disputes on the track, kiddies. NASCAR doesn't take kindly to that. Come off the track and settle it, but try not to kill each other in the process.

    My grandpa woke up for the last part of the race, and he wanted me to add that last part, btw.

    Edit: I hope you didn't think I was attacking you. I just meant it's hard for us not to be biased. Not trying to verbally attack you. :)

  9. I totally agree, this time kyle actually won fair and square and was gracious in his interview..non the less.....Hamlin was out of line especially his post race comments about Brad stupid is he???? he the only racer on the track and everyone MUST be required to move over and let him by with any resistance????He thinks he is a super driver also???? Man oh man, Gibbs really got lucky this mouth---insert FOOT please!!!!!!!!

    Anger Management..NO, Park It!!!

  10. Your screen name tells me your point of view. No answer needed.

    Although I will say Kyle wasn't racing for Joe Gibbs tonight so you can't say anything about that. He can drive in any series in any car and do good.

  11. attention a few too many-

    I never bashed Jimmie for winning by conserving fuel, quite the opposite, actually.

    I think it's a brilliant strategy that can make or break your chance to win. It's a gamble, but if the gamble pays off, kudos.

    *won't comment on Danica, because I don't watch Indy(?) racing*  It was a combination of all three,                                 fast car+driving+stragegy=win

    as far as Gibbs racing, Kyle wrecked no one to win that race tonight, good job Rowdy!

  12. Who are you???

  13. Brad had it right when he said that Denny does not like it when people race him hard.  We've seen this before from him, he expects other racers to give him spots, just like Stewart, and when they don't give him spots, he has a temper tantrum.  Denny is definitely a protege of Stewart.

  14. I think exactly like you. If it is near the end of the race and kyle or Denny is near the lead, I know they will wreck whoever tries to pass them. They don't even make up good excuses for it. They say "I got loose, they hit me first, I hate it happen, they didn't give me enough room."  It like give me the track or hit the wall.
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