
Gibraltar Spain where to live?

by Guest66836  |  earlier

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I'm moving to Spain on 12 Sept, I want to work in I.T. in Gibraltar, I have 25 years experience, I want to live in Spain and travel to Gib daily, where would be the best place to live?




  1. If Gibraltar were to be returned to Spain, to which it rightfully belonged, you would not be in this quandary. Let us hasten the day. But you are right in wanting to live in Spain which has better ambience and language. Spain, es verdad.

    Why stop at the Moors? What about the Carthaginians, or the Visigoths, or Romans from whom most people of Spain and the present monarch there descend?  Certainly not anlgo-saxons. There are those who would defend imperialism and colonialism at all expense.


    However accommodation is limited in Gib'.

  3. la liñea is the nearest town to Gib as all you do is walk across the airfield and your in Gib.

    Gib has only a limited housing market so if you live in Spain and work in the UK you have the best of both worlds.

    the only problem is if you hit the border at the wrong time either the tourists hold you up going through customs or the planes, and then there are the Spanish guards that close the border if they get fed up trapping everybody in and allowing no one through the border..the last one lasted 2 days a couple of yrs ago

  4. To Dalli...that's sort of like saying that Spain should go back to the Moors, where they rightfully belong.  Or that the US needs to go back to England, where it rightfully belongs...etc.  Sorry, not gonna happen just because some people think that is their rightful heritage.

    And, somehow, the thought of crossing an international border every morning and evening to go to work....sort of seems like a foolish way to do things...I shudder at the thought of going through customs twice daily!  

  5. La Linea just across the border, then you can have a nice healthy stroll to and from work.

  6. Not a very well thought out move. You obviously didn't look into the problems you may encounter getting to and from Gib. Having said that, the biggest problem of all right now is getting a job.

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