
Gideon demons entering through feet?

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i explained to a friend of mine that has had his fair share of demonic encounters what was happening to me and he told me it was a type of demon that enters through the soles of your feet and that he thought they were called gideon. has anyone heard of this at all and if so do you have information about it? please it would really help. and dont tell me its not a demon and its just in my head because its not. i KNOW i am dealing with some type of demon so if you are just going to leave skeptical remarks you will be wasting your time. This is very serious as it is affecting my entire life and functionability. Thanks.




  1. Gideon came on the scene when the Israelities had done evil in the sight of the Lord and had been given over to the Midianites who were heavily oppressing them. This went on for seven years until an angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon and told him he had been selected to free Israel from Midian's bondage. Gideon was concerned since his clan was the weakest of the tribe of Manasseh, and he was the least in his family. Gideon asked for a sign and fire flared from a rock consuming a meal he had prepared.

    Gideon began by tearing down his father's Asherah pole during the night and setting up an altar to the Lord. The men of the town found out Gideon was the cause, and told his father that Gideon must die. But Gideon's father replied that if Baal is a god, then he can fend for himself, and it wasn't their place to plead Baal's case. The men agreed.

    [edit] Gideon raises an army

    The armies of the Midianites, Amalekites and other eastern peoples camped in the valley of Jezreel. The spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon and he summoned the people of Israel to join him and fight. That night he had God give him a sign, whereby a fleece he put on the floor would be wet from dew when he awoke the next morning, but the ground around it would be dry. God caused this to occur. Gideon begged one more test. This time he wanted the ground to be wet and the fleece to be dry. God made that occur as well. And so Gideon and the army he raised camped out near the armies of the Midianites. But Gideon had 32,000 men and God told him that was too many. The people might think they won on their own and not because of God. So Gideon had all men who were fearful leave. Only 10,000 were left, but God said that was still too many. So Gideon had all of the men take a drink by the river and those who lapped the water with their tonuges like dogs were kept while all others were sent home. The number of men to face the armies of Midian was now 300.

    [edit] Victory

    The 300 men were split into 3 companies with trumpets and torches in empty jars. Once they were near they broke the jars and blew the trumpets and shouted. The Midianite army turned on each other in confusion and ran. Then the people of Israel rose up and pursued them, forcing them back to their own land with heavy losses.

    As Gideon and his 300 came to the Jordan river and crossed it, they were exhausted from the pursuit. They asked the men of Succoth for bread, but they were refused since they hadn't yet captured the kings of Midian. When Gideon captured the kings, he came back to Succoth and punished them for not helping him. He then found out the kings had earlier put his brothers to death, and so had them killed.

    [edit] Aftermath

    The people wanted Gideon to rule over them, but he told them God would rule over them, not him. (This was before the time when there was a king in Israel.) Gideon created a golden ephod, which was a snare to him and his family as it was worshipped, even though it was not God.

    There was peace in Israel for 40 years after Gideon's victory. Gideon had 70 children. Upon his death, the people of Israel turned again to worshipping Baal and did not respect Gideon's family for what he had done for them.

  2. I know next to nothing about this thing, except that in the soles of the feet are chakras, they help ground you to the earth. I have heard and been told that when you protect yourself, to make sure you do beneath the feet as well, just for this reason.

    My advice to you would be to find a cleaner, if you can afford it. But try not to let it make you afraid, by doing so, you're actually giving it power over you. I do have several other suggestions about how to protect yourself, given to me by my guardian angels. If you're interested, email me.

    peace to you. I had a demon in my house a few years back, I know the havoc they can wreak.

  3. The first problem to address is the fact that you think you KNOW you're dealing with a demon (evil spirit, or whatever). You don't know this. You believe it strongly, apparently, but that's not the same thing as knowing. Did the demon present himself and say, "Hi, I'm a demon, here are my scientific test results authenticating me as a real verifiable demon"?  If not, then you're just interpreting events and feelings in terms of your preconceived religious biases and superstitions.

    Secondly, why would a spirit (a non-material entity pretty much by definition) need to enter the material body through some specific limb or organ?  Why would that matter to a non-material being? It's seems pretty silly to me.

    The best advice I can give you is to take 10 deep breaths, put on your rationality hat, and then start thinking of how you could prove in court (hypothetically) that you have a demon, if you had to do it. This is just an exercise to get you thinking about this. If you can't demonstrate it to others, then why do you believe it?

  4. I have not heard of this; but the kahuna ana ana of old Hawai'i sent slave spirits to enter through a person's feet, and gradually take over the body, Whem the spirit worked it's way up to the heart; the person died whether they were aware of the curse or not.

  5. If you feel that you're having a physical reaction to anything, I would suggest that you first get checked out by your doctor.

    And if it's anything to do with your feet, it could be a number of things.........

    diabetes, plantar faciatis (sp), bone spurs, gout, plantar warts.

    You may have stepped on something long ago and it has buried itself deep in your foot and is now infected.

    Also, the Chinese believe our major organs are associated with places on the bottoms of our feet.

    Again, you may need some blood work from your doctor to determine a physical illness.

    But I wouldn't go to the hospital and tell them you have a demon possession..........that could land you into the psych ward.

    But then again, maybe those types of medications would resolve your problem as well............

  6. First, I gave thumbs up to every answer above me, TR too.

    You don't KNOW this is a demon. This is apparently what your friend told you, so you believe it.

    I've never heard of demons having to enter through some particular limb or part of the body, but I haven't studied demonology, so I don't know.

    There are minor chakra points on the soles of the feet and palms of the hands, according to people who believe in this stuff. I believe in it, but I'm not an expert and I seldom sense subtle energies.  I know other people who can sense these things better than I do.

    Psychic vampires are thought to feed through touch sometimes. This is apparently possible because of the chakra points on the palms of the hands. Reiki and other energy healers use touch for the same reason. The soles of the feel should work in much the same way, so spiritual energy could go in or out of them too.

    Vital energy/ chi/ prana/ qi (or whatever you want to call it) can go in any direction a person wills it to go. A simple demonstration of this energy is to create a psi-ball between your hands. When this exercise works, it feels like a subtle, invisible substance between your hands. It feels like 2 magnets pushing against each other with the same polls. I've heard you can project color, temperature or texture into a psi-ball, then see if someone else can tell the qualities of it without you telling them. This would be an experiment to try to prove the existence of psi-energy.

    Did you try to do an Internet search on [gideon demon]? Did you find anything relevant? I would start there, if I were you.

    You can cleanse yourself or shield yourself in a number of ways. If it's not a demon, doing these things won't hurt any. If it is, they might help. Try prayer and envisioning a bright white or golden light coming down from heaven to protect you first. This is one of the easiest ways to shield yourself from negative energies and it costs you nothing. If this "demon" still seems to be bothering you after this, then look for someone else who can cleanse your aura or exorcise the demon.

    Tribal shamans have been doing stuff like this for thousands of years. If it didn't seem to work, their patients/clients wouldn't have kept going back to them. Maybe it's real. Maybe it's psychological. If it seems to help you, then either way, it works.

    - P.

  7. hi Somber...I did reply to you....if you want to contact me on anything further feel so to do....anything you dont want to mention here.......

  8. somber..I agree with being careful who you tell about this. Aren't you glad to "know" now that it's not a demon?You're only mentally ill. I remember when things were happening to me...I was relieved when someone told me that I was. Funny...whatever ..whoever it was enjoyed my thinking that..because then it could do whatever it wanted with me...and I'd just take more and more medication.  I agree with YOU..there are things that your "knower" KNOWS. Hindsight is a wonderful..and awful thing. It teaches you SO  MUCH...but at the same time you get a lot of bruises for kicking yourself. If only I had been more informed of paranormal things...I might have known how to deal with the things that were happening to me and being done to me.

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