
Gift ideas on a budget with no registry?

by Guest58973  |  earlier

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Friends of ours are getting married in a few weeks. We RSVPed to the invitation and are planning to go but have run into somewhat confusion over a gift. The couple did not specify any wedding registry. While we don't have much money to go around right now, we'd like to get them some sort of gift to wish them well and aren't sure how to go about it since we have NO IDEA what they want/need/etc. They have been living together for a few years now, have their own home and just had a baby 6 months ago.

What are some ideas you might have, especially if you've already been married and know what a couple might absolutely need, that would be within a fairly small budget?




  1. People typically don't register when they just want money as gifts.

  2. a picture frame is always nice... it really depends on what a small budget is... you can have a small buget and get a reg pic frame or a small budget that can get the a digital picture frame...  

  3. No registry generally means they're looking for cash.  And since they have all of this non-wedding/new house related stuff going on, cash will probably be your best bet.

    You could always go with a gift certificate.  If they OWN their home (not renting) a Home Depot/Lowes/home improvement chain is always a good idea.  There's always an endless list of things to do and improve.

    A good "cheap" gift is a basket filled with stuff.  I usually pick a theme.  The cheapest I know of would be a bottle of wine (if you know what they like, pick that.  Otherwise, pick a bottle in the $20 range with a GREAT label.) with wine glasses, a corkscrew (given the bottle has a cork), and some cheese and crackers.  If it's an ice/dessert wine, get them something sweet in place of the cheese and crackers.

  4. Give them a gift card for a date after the wedding and offer to babysit.  That way they can have a nice evening just the two of them.  Maybe a gift card to a restaurant and movie tickets would be nice!  Then make your own gift certificate for one night of free babysitting!  

    You could also buy them a pretty vase or buy them an engraved picture frame for their wedding picture.

  5. Visa, Master Card, or Amex gift card!

  6. Honestly, what I want is cash.  Give them money with a nice note inside.  If you don't like that, then you could always give a gift card for a nice restaurant and offer to watch their baby for the evening.  Other things could be a nice basket with movie night essentials, picnic essentials, etc...Use your creativity.  Trust me, I am an expert clearance shopper and you can make a great gift on a tight budget!

  7. It is true that no registry typically means they want money.  But if you are in a position where you only have a small amount to spend, sometimes it can be awkward to give them that small amount.

    If that is the case, then I think you should get them something that they wouldn't get themselves.  A picture frame with the date of their wedding engraved on it (not that expensive and personalized showing thought) or a gift basket that you put together yourself is a nice idea too.  If you know the couple well, I would think the thing they need most is to sleep and some time alone.  So, perhaps a gift basket with a bottle of wine, a book on massage, with a gift certificate that says you will baby sit.  I know that could sound a bit off color, but depending on your relationship with these friends, that could be very well received and appreciated (and it won't break the bank either).

    I can't think of anything else that a couple would need that would work on a small budget, other than the gift of some good quality alone time.  

    Good luck!

  8. You might call and ask them if they have registered since the invitations were sent. We registered after because we kept getting calls wanting to know where we were registered.

    Gift card or cash would be nice.

    Bath towels or bed linens

    Nice picture frame



    Silverware or other tableware.

    Just because they've been together a while, doesn't mean they can't use new or updated items. I registered dishes just so I could get a set that matched.

  9. If they're going on a honeymoon, you could always arrange for a special room service or a couples massage or something for them. And if not at a honeymoon, somewhere around home. With a new baby, and a wedding coming up, I'm sure they'd appreciate relaxing some!!

  10. gift card to a local resturaunt or store, photo album, digital photo frame, bake ware, crystal( is traditional), cash, wine, wine glasses & decanter

  11. I feel your pain. Since they have a baby and if you know them well enough I would make them a cute little free babysitting gift certificate that says go have a night out and I will babysit. Hopefully they pick a night which you don't have plans. I know a couple that would really appreciate this, however I also know a few couples that have more then enough family and friends willing to babysit.

  12. Picture frames and serving platters are really nice.  you can find inexpensive  tablecloths and placemats as well.  Kitchen towels?

  13. Just give them money or a gift card. With a house, a baby, and the economy right now... Money is always appreciated, plus you can fit it into your budget!

  14. China Set - Its an instant heirloom (something special they can later  pass onto to their  6 month old!)  

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