
Giftmonkey free gifts legit?

by Guest60860  |  earlier

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well i came across and i was wondering if this free gifts stuff real or just a scam? i would think its odd that they give away free gifts. can someone clearly explain this? and do you have to use a credit card for this? because im only 17 and i dont have one yet. and is this also legal? or can you get in trouble for using it? aint really looking to get into any further trouble. thanks for any help




  1. it is not a scam. THE FREEBIE COMPANIES MAKE MONEY BECAUSE THEIR SPONSERS PAY THEM FOR ADVERTISING THEIR COMPANIES. THIS IS CALLED ADVERTISING BY WORD OF MOUTH AND SAVES THESE COMPANIES LOTS OF MONEY. SINCE THE FREEBIE COMPANY MAKES A LOT OF MONEY FROM THIS, THEY ARE ABLE TO PAY FOR YOUR FREE GIFT AND FOR THEM IS NOTHING COMPARED TO HOW MUCH THEY sign up, you have to complete an offer which most of the offers require credit card but there are some 100% free, however there is one that doesnt need a credit card it is a cell phone offer.

    if you are interested on trying it heres the link

  2. Yes i tried it

    it works  

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