
Gifts? It is for my mom's 41st bday?

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i m 12 yrs old nd i need ideas of gifts fr my mom

cards r a bit too old nd she is really busy in the house to go out or spa

i hve alredy tried coupons fr my dad and dont wanna repeat the same fr my mom?

ideas plsssss?




  1. well, what does she like to do?

  2. If the weather allows, why don't you organise a picnic outdoor where your mom can relax, draw and be with the family?  Ask your dad and brothers/sisters if any to prepare the picnic food/drink and you pack all the drawing tools.

  3. Being she likes to spend time with family, how about everyone getting together and taking her out to dinner? I'm sure she would love that!  You can all take her to her favorite restaurant or even on a Dinner Cruise which is a boat that sets sail for a few hours while you have dinner, dessert, and dancing.  They are really nice and it sounds like something your mom would enjoy!

    You could also chip in and everyone do a Family Portrait!

    What about making her a scrapbook?  Being she's very family oriented, this sounds perfect for her.  You can make a book of the some of the family memories you think would mean a lot to her along with the everyday moments.  Holidays, Birthdays, family vacations and everyday moments.  You can include pictures, and then ask everyone else in your house, your dad, siblings, you, to write a letter to your mom telling her what she means to them, that would mean the world to her!  Trust me, those things are priceless and to someone that values family, things like that mean SO much more than anything you can buy!  

    You can also get her one of those frames that are plain and you decorate, you can get one and decorate it and put a picture of you and her in it.

    You can also buy one of those collage frames, the ones that are big and they have many openings in them.  Some of the openings are all the same size and some are different sizes.  You can buy them inexpensively in the framing dept at just about any store, Kohl's Walmart, Target, Michael's, AC Moore, Linen's and Things, etc.  Anyway, get the frame and put pictures of your mom and your family through the years in the frame, leaving 2 openings blank.  One to write Happy Birthday and the date, and the other to take a family picture on the day of her birthday and put the picture in there when it's printed out so the most recent picture is in there.  She will LOVE it.  It's like a scrapbook for her wall that she can hang where she wants and look at whenever she wants.  You can do pictures of her and you, and her and your dad, or just whole family pictures, but pick pictures from over the  years and make it like a scrapbook of different occasions.

    Other ideas would be:

    Make her, her favorite dinner and dessert, serve her the meal AND clean up afterwards!  Make sure this is a family dinner, she will enjoy it much more if her family is there with her!

    You can get her cookbooks of her favorite chefs, or just some new cookbooks.

    Subscriptions to her favorite magazine or newspaper, or even cooking magazines.





    Lotions and shower gels

    You can put together a basket of some of her favorite things.  You can make a small scrapbook, these days they go in size from big to small, and I mean like 4x4 size small, you can make her a small one, put some of her favorite snacks, candy, shower gels, cooking gadgets, whatever YOU think would make her happy.  Put it in one basket and wrap everything individually.

    You can even put together a cooking gift.  Get her a new pot, like a big pasta pot, IF she would like that and inside you can put a cookbook and some new cooking gadgets.  You can even get her a personalized apron and put that in there too!

    Being she likes art, you can get her some new art supplies.  Lots of places are having sales now due to back to school, and there's a place called d**k Blick art supplies and their prices are awesome if you have one nearby.  If not, there IS an online store you can order from.  You can get her some new supplies or a gift card to the store she shops at for her supplies.

    Go with the things that she likes.  Art supplies, cooking, family, etc.  Family is going to mean the most to her and it sounds like anything you do that involves pictures or having her family around her is going to make her VERY happy!

    What about taking her out and spending the day with her? Take her out to lunch, dinner, or even just for ice cream.  I'm sure that would mean SO much to her!  More than anything you would buy for her.  Spending time with you is going to mean a LOT to her!

    I hope some of these ideas help and that your mom has a very Happy Birthday!!

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