
Gifts for an Indian wedding?

by Guest56711  |  earlier

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My mother was invited to an Indian and she has absolutely no idea what to get as a gift. She was never told about what kind of gift to get so she's in the dark here.

Does anyone have any recommendations? Any help would be appreciated.




  1. Which Indian are you talking about? The American one or the Asian one?

    Well, about the Asian one, avoid buying anything made from leather. Buy something nice such as a small piece of jewelry or something.

  2. thats considered to be £50 ish and thats more than enough.

    we usually give £30/ $60

  3. corn!!!!!!!! no i was kidding usually $50

  4. If she gives money, it should be in odd dollar denominations.($51 instead of $50).

    other than that, same as any other wedding.


    $101 would be very appreciated, I am sure!  Your mom will have fun at the wedding.  It is totally acceptable to talk during the ceremony, get up and walk around...and the colors and food are amazing!

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