
Gilbert arenas vs. chris paul?

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1 on 1 who would win in a game to 21?





  2. paul rocks

  3. I can't believe what people are saying CP3 would win... Huge mismatch. Huge height difference. One on one doesn't have 3 second violations. Arenas would defend mid range shots and lay ups. The person, who has the higher fg% wins, and Arenas would have a higher one because he can just force himself to the rim and post.

  4. Chris Paul is more of a distributor but still a shooter. Gilbert is a really good shooter so Arenas would win.

    -Mister J

  5. arenas wud crush his ***..

    but deron wud own both of them:D

  6. Deron williams can beat anyone 1 on 1

  7. Paul, one of the league leader in steals last year, he can lock down defensively. also Arenas has a bad knee. chris on the offensive side has more moves inside then Arenas, but Arenas can bomb 3s when hes hot

  8. Yea Gilbert would win. It would be like in the regular games. Gil would just shoot over Chris because he is short lol. I remember one game  Gil got two 4 point plays because Paul couldn't guard him.

    In head to head match ups Gil and the wizards would always get the best of Paul and the hornets. But Paul is still great though and getting better each year that goes by.

  9. Arenas is over-paid and over-rated so I'm going with CP3 on this one.

  10. hand's down! Gilbert no doubt!

    It's not about the speed, but the experience how you think when your playing, even though gilbert has been through many injuries, he is still in his prime. Beside Chris Paul is not tall for Gilbert to be afraid shooting over his head.

  11. gilbert

  12. chris paul would win. Gilbert arenas isnt all that great anymore. The injury really affected him and his performance and chris paul has all those amazing layups like in the olymics. The score would be 21 to 16 chris paul

  13. gilbert, most definetley. he can beat anyone in 1 on 1!

  14. Chris Paul....Gilbert Arenas is OVERRATED and Chris Paul is a rising star....

  15. gilbert isnt all that fast anymore lol cp3 would cross him and would most likely win lol plus who went further this year carrying his team thats cp3 lol

  16. chris paul

  17. If Gilbert played some "D", he could definitely win.

  18. CP3 all the way

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