
Gina Carano vs Kimbo Slice?

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This guy I know says that Gina Carano could beat Kimbo's ***! I really dont think so and when I told him this he got really touchy and told me I didnt know what I was talking about. His reasoning was Kimbos lack of legit training vs Ginas Mui Tie skills. He said Gina would kick Kimbo in the head and that would be the end of him... I dont think its that simple. Shes half his weight and shorter. Not as much reach. Doesnt pack near as much power as KImbo. Dont get me wrong. Kimbo is still a chump... but I just dont think Gina could do it.

What do you think?




  1. Perhaps if she ran around the ring for 2 rounds and avoided getting hit, then when Kimbo was completely winded and exhausted, she could get in a couple of well placed kicks and hope for a knock out.  Other than that, I don't think she could win.  She is a better technical fighter but his fist is about as big as her head and if he gets a punch in, it's lights out for her.

  2. I love Gina But I am not going as far as saying that she could beat up Kimbo.  Maybe if he had just rolled out of bed with a hang over but could f**t on her and she would fall down.  I mean she is a great fighter One of the best women in MMA.

  3. Gina Carano is a way better skilled fighter than Kimbo, but she would not win a fight against him. If she was the same size as him she would kick the Sh*t out of him.

  4. First off, this fight will never happen so we're only speculating...

    I'm probably one of the biggest anti-Kimbo people on YA so far and even I don't think she could do it. He has too big of a size advantage. It's like this: If you took the best featherweight boxer and put him up against an average heavyweight, the heavyweight would win. Because no matter what the featherweight throws, it simply isn't strong enough to take the heavyweight out. That would be the case. Even though Gina Carano may be more skilled, she's not powerful enough to knock him out. And Kimbo Slice only has to hit her once or twice to finish her because she simply can't handle a blow from a 240 pound man due to her small size and inability to recover from a heavy blow like that. I would see Kimbo winning this.

    So, your friend doesn't know what he's talking about.

  5. First of all, I don't think these two would ever get together in a match(I don't think Elite XC would allow it). But if it did happen(as much as I like Gina Carano), Kimbo would turn her into dogfood. He's just too big for her to handle.

  6. i think gina 's father has more of a chance.

  7. well Kimbo is about 100 pounds hevier and is probably in better shape than gina.... Gina would have no shot but I still think in relation to her competition she is a much better fighter than Kimbo.

  8. If you've seen hits Kimbo has taken, you'd know that a few well placed kicks cant take him down. Kimbo's fights are admittedly picked though, so it wouldnt happen, but this isnt for the purpose of money-making, its for the purpose of developing him into a great fighter without tarnishing his record too much.

  9. it was me and it was not meant literally it was meant as a comparison of skill

    h**l Dana white says bj Penn could beat  kimbo and i agree that is literal

  10. Hmm, no.

    A good big strong fighter will always win against a good small fighter.

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