
Ginger baby will he stay this colour?

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my son was born with medium brown hair at 5 weeks old his hair started to get a ginger cast to it now at 5 months old its looking more ginger but you can only see it in the sunlight when we are in the house it looks like a dark blonde colour. i dont have a problem with ginger people myself but i am aware that school bullies love to pick on ginger people and it breaks my heart to think that my baby may get bullied. but the real question here is has anyone had/known a baby to be born with ginger hair and it change to a different colour later.




  1. Why don't you just get him a t-shirt saying 'I'm Ginger - Bully Me'.

    I have red (some would call it ginger) hair and my 3 and a half year old daughter is a beautiful red head.  She has always been told by me and my boyfriend how beautiful her hair is, and strangers complement her daily over the colour of her hair.  She is beautiful, and she is already proud of her bright and different hair.  Anyone who bullies or takes the p*ss because she has ginger/red hair is not going to get anywhere because she doesn't see it as a problem or a weakness.

    If a child is going to be bullied, the bullies will find something - ANYTHING - to bully about.  You obviously have a complex, and if you are not careful you will pass it on to your son.

  2. Baby hair gets darker as they grow usually. Realistically, how many blonde or redhead boys do you really see?

    I even know of 8year old blonde kids who have now dark brown hair all year round.

    But either way, kids get bullied no matter what, and sometimes the redheads bully others because they're always bullied.

    Just go with the flow and don't stress about this stuff.

    All the best.

  3. Alot of people don't have the same hair color they had when they were really young like that. My friend was born platinum blonde and now has very dark brown hair, and I personally was born with black hair that turned blonde and is now naturally brown.

    Hair is weird.

  4. Duracel.

    Best off getting some dye to keep those bullys away

  5. I'm a natural red head, so is my husband and neither one of us were ever picked on for our hair color. In fact all growing up all I got was compliments and people telling me they were jealous of my hair. My son is a red head too and I wouldn't want it any other way.

  6. Two of my little brothers have red hair. And I mean red like orange! The older one (he's 5) still has a lot of red. It looks like it might be turning blond, but it's hard to tell.

    The younger one (he's 2) has a ton of red that shows no signs of lightening or darkening.

    Don't worry about bullying. Your son will grow up to be handsome no matter what color his hair is!

  7. Sounds like maybe he could end up with brown hair? dont worry everything will be fine

  8. Whats wrong with ginger people?

  9. What an awful question! If your son is going to be ginger, I suggest you change your attitude, as any negativity you have towards his hair colour, he will pick up on, and it will effect him psychologically! If anything, you should embrace his gingerness and uniqueness and celebrate that he will be different, this is a positive!!

    I myself am not ginger, however, I do have several ginger friends - who are all great people!

    And yes...several of them were bullied - so its up to you to encourage your sons individuality and uniqueness and ensure that if, and when, the time does come, its impact on his persona and future is minimal. be the supportive parent you're supposed to be, not a negative wimp!

    Ginger people are human too!!  

  10. My sister's youngest son was born with reddish-blonde hair and it changed to blonde as he got older.

    Is there a stigma about ginger haired people in the UK?  I've never really noticed it here in the US.  My youngest daughter had reddish blonde hair at birth and it has darkened into a very distinct red.  She's almost 10 months old.  People compliment her hair all the time and say that she has lovely red curls.  

  11. my friends baby had ginger hair but he gre out of it at 2 years old

  12. I had ginger hair to about the age of 3 but I am quite fair.. gradually my hair turned darker and my hair is now dark brown :)

  13. Bullies at school pick on children for any reason:  Their name, their grades, their height, their hairstyle, their haircolour, their skintone, their ability at sports, their clothes, their speech, anything.  Unfortunately you can't stop bullying.  Even if he did turn out not to have ginger hair he could still get bullied.  I am a teacher and I do hear the silly ginger comments from time to time, but not 'serious' bullying.  The ginger children I know give as good as they get, and are often the instigators.

    Hair colour can change but may stay the same.  Don't worry and please  don't transfer your concrens to your child.  They will develop a complex.  

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