
Ginni Pigs? good or bad? please help!

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I really want a Ginni pig! like really really bad! but i don't know were to get them or how much i would expect to pay for them... i don't want to get them like a place like pet-co.... what place should i get it?




  1. Like previously said, for social reasons I would recommend getting two, they aren't very expensive, and its not really fair to leave one alone at night or when you are away. I live in a completely different country so no idea where to get them though sorry

  2. okay if you dont even know how to spell guinea pig you should NOT get one, if you spelled guinea pig right that would mean you probably researched them and are familiar with them but you didnt even spell it right.......=[ thumbs down

  3. Firstly, guinea pigs are a social species and need the company of their own kind - so you be looking at getting at least two.

    A good rescue is the BEST place to get guinea pigs.

    Please do not buy from a pet store - this is the worst option. It supports and funds overpopulation, impulse buying, etc. It is also incredibly common for pet store animals to be mis-sexed, pregnant or sick - so you are more likely to end up with unexpected litters or vets bills!

    Rescues on the other hand check all their animals thoroughly before rehoming them and give them vet treatment if necessary, so they are highly unlikely to be the wrong s*x, preganant or sick. And adopting animals saves lives!

    Try google to find a guinea pig rescue in your area or look here...

    You could also try checking out craigslist or petfinder, but beware of breeders!

    Most places will ask for an adoption fee, although the exact amount varies.

    The most expensive thing you need is usually the cage - most pet store cages are completely inadequate and massively overpriced! I suggest a c+c cage - they are really easy to make, and much cheaper than store cages.

  4. firstly is spelt guinea pigs...

    i dnt live in america but i know that petco is untrustable, but im sure youll be able to find a breeder, just ask a few friends if they know any one who is breeding guinea pigs or something

    or you can search on the internet for breeders and they can mail the guinea pigs to you

    idk if you have markets but thats where i got my GP's from, they cozt me ten australian dollars each

    if i were you i would check those abpve options first then i would turn to something like petco, but im sure it wouldnt have to come to that

    good luck with your new guinea pigs

  5. I have gotten all my small pets at either a Petsmart, Petco, or Pet Supplies Plus and NEVER had any problems. Guinea pigs make great pets. They do better in pairs because they are very social. You don't have to get more than one if you give it enough attention yourself though. Most guinea pigs cost between 25-35 dollars. A cage can cost you up to 60 and supplies cost money too. I would take about 130 dollars when going to get a pig.

    Best of Luck!


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