
Girl's Do You Find Me Attractive?

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Okay I'm bi. But no girls find me attractive alot of guy's so tho.

What do you think?

And I need to talk to someone I feel so lonely :(





    fine as h**l

  2. If that really is you then you look exactly like Kim Kardashian

    ...and I'm sorry but you seem to be fishing for compliments, cuz I don't believe that question.

  3. wow you very beautiful

    your actually one of those girls that I never go for because youre TOO s**y... d**n! haha


    haha if you wanna talk, im here, just message me!!  lmao


  4. You're pretty.

    Not really my type though.

    I know this is awful, but you look like one of those really annoying straight preppy girls I detest at school.

    EDIT: By the way, I'm not intending to be mean. It's just, stereotypically speaking, you don't appear to be a girl that likes girls. Most girls I know as beautiful as you only make out with other girls to turn guys on.. *shrug*

    Of course, I shouldn't be talking. I'm not exactly manly.

    ...not that lesbians are... Erm. It's late. I ramble.

  5. It probably seems like no girls find you attractive because most are straight, and wouldn't be attracted TO you. But as other girls have said, physically, you are attractive.

  6. whoa,you are gorgeous!

    i am  so jealous, seriously.

    i'll talk to you.

  7. You're one of the TOP s**y girls on Y!A, congratulations.

    I'm g*y & you're s**y xD <3

  8. Lol are you joking am not even a chick and i say you are so f*cken  hot maybe most of the girls in your area are straight (or havent gotten to know the real you ;) )

  9. Are you F***kn kidding me?!!

    You're the type of girl that I would unconsiously stare at shopping centres or some other random places and think d**n! lol.

    Physically you got it going on but personality wise I don't know.

    So your're bi right?

    Maybe you should create different accounts as not to create confusion =S  

  10. you are very physically attractive, quite beautiful.

    more than likely girls just don't think you would be interested/think you're straight. i'm making alot of assumptions here, but perhaps you come off as a party girl and not serious--sorry for the assumption, but usually when a girl looks like you/does her make-up and hair like that she seems more the sorority type and not taken too seriously. that may not be you at all, but from that one picture it seems like it (specially the tiny bikini top, hot but it doesn't make someone think of brains).

  11. I'm g*y and I still think you're hot. You're hot!

  12. um let me think about that.....

    h**l YEAH YOUR HOT!!, i find it hard to believe no girls find you attractive  

  13. You know you are gorgeous, but I'm straight.

  14. Utter hotness to spare.  I don't think it's that girls in the real world don't find you attractive.  I think they are either completely intimidated to tell you, or they figure you're straight.  You are a s**y woman, and you should never be lonely.  It's just not right.

  15. No, but not because you are unattractive physically—you're plenty attractive, physically.  To truly answer this question, I'd have to meet you in real life, and talk to you for a bit.

    Sorry for the nebulous answer, but it's the truth.  Attraction is a large number of things; smells, minor movements, 'presence', attitude, and confidence.

  16. Oh yeah but I have a gf. But what kind of girls do you hang out with? Like everyone has already said they must be blind.

  17. Whoa baby, you are gorgeous......your photo made me also have THE most amazing b*****s.......VERY, VERY nice!!!!!

    I wish I could have seen about another photo without your hand up in front of your b*****s so I can have a look????

    I am really aroused from looking at you, in fact I am going to m********e and imagine that you are here!!!!!

    You can email me another picture if you want and I will give you my horny

    I don't even mind if you want to take that bikini off first!!!!! ;-)

    Thanks for making me horny!!!!!

  18. sweetie you are stunning! ;) i surely would say you are. lol give me a holla sometime. haha.

  19. hey ma &+ d**n u are really beautiful u are attractive please email me i am also lonely =( i think i am attractive cuz my bi friend says im very pretty not to be concieted but yea she has a gurl though =( &+ u mad pretty...

  20. excuse me?? lol omg sweetheart that smile just made my heart skip a beat. and those eyes ... wow hunnie your an angel .

    dont feel sad or lonely if yu ever need a friend or anything feel free to hit me up .

    lol i seriously dont believe this question right now or if that is really you..

    ii think god answered my prayers hahaha jk.

  21. you are definitely hottt to the max. can you say gorgeous. people are obviously blind or straight. sorry hun  

  22. Very Attractive

  23. You are beautiful. Maybe girls just don't realize you're bi. I had the same problem for a while so I can empathize :) Don't sweat it.

  24. you are so pretty =] the girls you associate with are obviously blind.

    Btw, on one of your other questions I saw you said you're straight? what givesss haha

  25. You are the sexiest iPhone i've ever seen! ...oops, i mean yes you are very attractive. Maybe Girls are just intimidated.

  26. you're def hotttttttttt !

    you can talk to me :)


  27. You are so beautiful! You're prettier than a lot of girls at my school.

    Please answer my question:;...  

  28. say whaaa?

    your drop dead gorgeous!

    those "girls" must be jealous of you.

    keep ya head up.

    you can email me if u feel sooo lonely. ; ]

  29. You are definitely attractive, most definitely.

  30. I am a straight woman, and I think you are very pretty.

    Mellow out on the eye makeup though.

  31. aawww :(

    really no girls ?

    yeah im thinking pretty maybe a little more than pretty :)

    hit me up if your still on cause im hella bored

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