
Girl Golfer???

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I'm a girl and I just started golfing; but can someone give me easy step-by step instrutions to teeing off??? Also any other tips and helpful hints. Thanks I really want to love the game! :)




  1. Just as others have said, don't swing too hard concentrate on swinging at around 80% of your strength.  always try to make  good contact with the ball on your clubface.  Concern yourself with your contact more than anything else and don't worry about where the ball goes.  Just swing and let it happen.  then when you really want to start playing, talk to a golf pro and maybe take a lesson or two or ask him for pointers if you are out on the range.

  2. take some lessons from your local golf pro..  he/she can teach you a lot about the game and the swing..  have fun..

  3. Pay attention to what your group does as far as pace of play, whose turn to putt, marking your ball on the green, tending to the flag. Play with a friend who knows what they are doing, he/she will explain all the little nuances of playing.

    Keep your head down while swinging. Don't grip the club too hard or swing too hard. Nice and easy pace back and through the ball. Take a lesson!!!

  4. first of all its best for you to take a few lesson from your local golf pro at one of your local golf course. this way he/she can watch as you swing your club. get your basic down from a golf pro before you really ask for help from others.

    online you can go to different golf site which have video lessons that you can watch and get an ideal of what you should be doing.

    once you visit one or all the sites, you look for instructions and click on it and go to the video lesson. if you used youtube you can go there and type in golf swing and you will see some video lessons there as well.

    good luck and share your story with me....hehehehehe...smiling..

  5. don't sway on your back swing, don't pick the club head up to fast on the back swing and make sure that your are lined up right every time

  6. Giving you tips via the internet that will actually help you is virtually impossible.  Lessons is your only real option for learning to play the game.
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