
Girl Question ONLY!!!! *girls only! please help*?

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god i bearly have b***s:(((! they are just little stubs!!!!!!!!! lol first time i noticed they were just bearly starting to develope was last summer 07 and 08 now they are nothing but little stubs. and you can bearly notice them just not even!!!!urg! GRRRRRRRR WHEN ARE THEY gonna grow faster. im 13 yes and you can bearly see it and for other 13 year olds you can see the circles of it through the shirt. LMAO im so tired of being so small and left out. every girl whos my age already has them and its noticable. GRRRRRRR y dont i have them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and im like "y the heck rnt they growing!!!!!" im so slowwwwwwww. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... gr only if you pull the shirt really really close then you can just bearly see a little. haha im sick of being so small and late in everything. :*(( help help help help help help help help?

caan someone help me and tell me y im so slow and when im gonna get them!!! i just every single day, i look at my moms, and i feel like a ***** saying this but i just look and wonder when im gonna get mine. they are just bealy seeable. they are hurting often and if i lay on them, they sting and hurt a lot. if i touch them or lay or stay on my stomach, they just sting or hurt for like 5 minutes is that that normal???


this might make me sound like a fuckkign b***h but i just feel so bad that im bearley developing, i dont have my period either and i want that to come really bad, i know that im going to hate it, but i just really want it to come, when is it? ive been having whitish clearish discharge usually everyday, is that normal? and is that a sign that i am going to start my period???? help here???? i want to so bad. lol




  1. i know you've heard this a million times but people develop at different rates. its probably genetics, if you REALLY want to grow faster eat more beef that has fake hormones in it haha but thats probably hella bad for youuu. anyways the reason their tender is cuz theyre growing (YAY) and its way better to be flat chested than to be like an E cuz ppl with really big b***s cant really run cuz its hurts and have trouble finding clothes that fit. try wearing a padded bra, it will make you feel more confident. dont get one with huge pads tho cuz then if you ever need to wear a regular bra (swimming, excercise, ran out of clean bras) then people will think you stuffed. and your period will come about a year after you get the discharge, and thats perfectly normal. if the discharge starts getting really heavy you can wear a pantyliner

  2. im 15 and dont have my period either =(  I am really late !

  3. might not be the answer you wanna hear, but chill... your only 13 and still growing.... theres still at least 2 or 3 years for these changes to happen...

    i have somewhat small b***s and got my period when i was 14, almost 15 now. so dont worry theres time. (and FYI, some girls who develop fast and have fairly large b***s would want to trade spots with you any day)

    and dont compare yourself to your friends... EVERY GIRL IS DIFFERENT AND EVERY GIRL JUST HAS TO ACCEPT WHAT THEY GOT

  4. ok with the sounds of the soreness and the discharge it sounds like ur about to start ur period and puberty!!!

    pimples ackwardness liking boys all that strange includes good like b***s curves and all that fun stuff!!

    ur b***s will come!! dont worry

  5. well im 13 too, and some girls in my school are huge others are flat so just wait :) they will come with time.  

  6. your breast are going to develop after you get your period for first time .

    if you havent yet than you just have to wait , it will soon come down , and then your breast are going to develop .

    be patient =)

  7. omg I know exactly what your going threw. I'm 14 and don't have my period and I'm only a 34A and when I was 13 I was exactly like you.  It was like I had like an outline of a boob but I was so flat like pancake flat.I just recently went up two sizes I know how you feel it sucks but I gurantee you that you will grow and when you do it will be fast because my friend is 15 and she just recently shot up 3 sizes and she had absolutely nothing at all. I really want to be a women I feel so left our  but I recenfly and finally realized that stressin will not make it come any faster but since you have discharge I would say you can get your period within a few months because I know two girls that  have started there periods and have absolutely no b***s , there 51, and 85bs. Yeah shocking I know so that prooves it doesn't matter who you are you'll eventually get your period  and you will get b***s, it jut takes patient

    Hope I helped

    Good luck

    You. An email me at

  8. Yep you basically just explained my life. i'm 13 too and I have exactly the same problem as you. I really don't need a bra at all but I sometimes wear a really padded one if I don't want to look really flat. People keep telling me too that i shouldn't worry and that they will get bigger and that I'm just a late bloomer but It really doesn't make any difference to how i feel. I don't have my period either and i really want it just so that I can fit in. I know its weird. All my friends, peers etc have all got theirs and they are all not 'flat'. I feel like such a baby.

    I have had the discharge stuff for like a year and nope i still haven't got my period. I guess its gonna happen one day.............

    Try not to feel to down about it cos your not the only one! :)  

  9. Will I'm 14 , and I got my period at the age of 10 or 11 sorry I cant remember the exact age but I know I was in 5th grade . But puberty doesn't mean your going to grow super fast because now I'm going to 9th grade , and only have B cups and I want bigger b***s. But a word from the wise , you gotta work with watcha got , because I know flat chested girls who have a lot of guys running after them. So don't worry.

  10. dont worry if you havent gotten your period yet you havent hit puberty but to me it sounds like you should soon... talk to your mom!

  11. It will happen eventually.  I too was very small and a slow developer.  I even grew 5 inches taller after I graduated high school.  There is nothing to worry about until you are about 16-17 years old and have not started your period by then.  At that point you would need to see an endocrinologist to determine if your hormones are normal, but for now you are developing perfectly appropriately.

  12. calm down!

    im only 12 and every day i wish i had my period and even more, bigger b***s!

    i no wat ur thinkin, im only 12 but seriously, dw about it. i remember my friend telling me that havin a period sucks and she wishes she was me.

    and im size 12AA (im aussie btw lol) but i dunno wat size that is in american.

    well we can just wait and see lol.

    p.s i am like u, i got that clear/white discharge, but i think i mite get the big "P" soon coz it is turning darker, more of a dark yellow, the darker it is gettin, the closer ur gettin.

    also i tried this thing, i had lots of milk for like a week then like none the previous week. my b***s had a little change, and my bra was getin tighter, but i guess everyone is different.

    just see wat hapens.


  13. you are only 13 let them develop. wait until you are older, if it doesn't grow then you worry about it.

  14. OK you havent hit puberty i got it when i was 13. I had NO b***s at all and they hurt like yours do now. Thats i sighn your growing also when your nipples turn brown... there growing.... after i started my period the grew alot.... i went from a A to almost a D! and im only 14

  15. gurl jus chill!

    kuz i am dha same way!

    im 13 going into dha 8th grade n september nd i think i had ma period nd thn i think i didnt....i am a size A34.

    i pray tht ma b***s get bigger evryday!

    i also pray tht i get ma REAL FIRST PERIOD!

    bt i didnt lmao!

    ours well come soon...VERRY VERRY SOON!

    so jus relax cuz wen dey com well b bigger thn yur friend nd n.e.otha ppl

  16. hehe I read it.

    umm... your still devoloping right now.

    I guess you could wear a bra...

  17. alright first of all; breathe. you're 13. it's natural for your chest to be fairly flat. mine was when i was that age.

    as for your period, my friend didnt get hers until this year and she's 16.

    i know it's frustrating to see your friends all growing and developing more quickly than you, but just know that one day you will too.

    as for the pain...i'm pretty sure every teenage girl in the country has had to lay on their back because of the soreness. it's natural.

    the discharge is natural as well. some girls get it every day (like me) and others only get it days before their period. everyone is different.

    and i know you want your period. but you'll look back on this time in your life and curse yourself for wishing it came sooner. trust me. periods may be a sign of maturity to you, but if they could, every woman in america would gladly be an adolescent again just to avoid getting them every month. just enjoy being 13. you'll wish you had when you hit puberty.

  18. people develop at different times and rates your only 13 you still have time for them to develop and your not the only one whos 13 and still barely has b*****s when i was 13 i wasn't even an 'A' but now im 15 and a 'C'

    its also perfectly normal for them to hurt while there growing and yes they are growing they might also hurt around your period (when you get it)

    and about not having your period it will come eventually, enjoy not having it while you can, it really isn't nice trust me

    just be patient ok

  19. im 16 and ima be a junior.

    my b***s last year were a small b cup.

    it wasnt until now i have a c cup.

    it takes time. your only 13.

    its nothing to worry about they'll grow.

  20. let me say this loud and slow


    oh my god they are genius!

    gel ones are always good and they come in like aa sizes

    Although you seriously shouldnt be worried because I didnt get any until i was like 14 or 15 and they just grew so fast!

    You'll be fine!!!

    Oh and also.

    Yeah the discharge is what happens before the big 'p'

    believe me you will hate it.

    Most girls get it when theyre 14

  21. sweetie your so lucky. I have been in a bra since grade 15 (just turned today!!) and im a DD...I have had my period since I was 11...I want out oof my life...I want samller b***s and I HATE my period... I cant take it any more lol. just be happy with what god gave lucky your not me and you dont have back problems...I do... -.-

  22. whyy do you want b***s? seriouslyy imm almost to a D size andd imm 15 andd i hate b***s i runn andd theyy jiggle or walkk.. i wishh i had an A size.

    be thankfull hunn.

    periodss suckk.

  23. Dnt worry about...I was just like u I didn't get my period till I was like 14...and I didn't develop either..till mayb after my period..and now am 16 and my b***s are preety big like c cup..I went from a AA to a C me they will just takes time..were padded bras they help

  24. I didn't get b***s til i was bout 15 or 16.

    Yes whitish clearish discharge is a sign your getting ready to start your period. Perfectly normal.  

  25. First off, learn how to spell.

    Second, try to say a sentence without using "like"

    Third, people mature at different rates.

  26. omj i would love to have stubs i am 12 and  a b size and ever one in my grade has nothing

  27. hunny i am 25 and the only time i've ever had bigger then an a cup is when i am pregnant/nursing (don't suggest you do either of those)  just accept that your b*****s are small and move on and don't only look at your mom look at the females on your dads side. if they all have larger breast yours will come eventually the best person to ask this question if your mom cause most likely you get your late developement from her....

  28. lol because ur flat? jk becuase you didnt hit puberty yet duhh.

  29. oh honey don't wish ur life away.

    every person is different and developes differently.

    It'll happen sooner or latter it'll happen.

    As for the pain thing - that is so so normal - I remember that.

    And the discharge - that can last up to 2 years before ur period. Not all the time but it can.  

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