
Girl Scout Gold Award career award requirement?

by Guest67053  |  earlier

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I'm a Girl Scout working towards my Gold award. My last requirement is to earn the Girl Scout career award and I'm confused about what to do. It says:

• Do a total of 40 hours related to career exploration.

What would I do? Would researching potential colleges count? and I know I can "fast track it" by getting a paying job but I don't have the time so this is my only option.




  1. Hello ctruong:

    If your research for schooling is pertinent to your career field, yes you can count the time. You might also consider speaking with someone who is in the field, this would count. Researching your potential career advancement at the library would count. Research conducted on the internet will also count.

    Keep on Scoutin'

  2. I think what the Girl Scouts is looking for when they say career exploration is:

    -- volunteering at an organization (or even more than one) where you learn about careers you are interested in, what their requirements are, what people do in such, etc.

    -- shadowing someone in his or her job for a couple of days; going to meetings with him or her, going through the daily routine, asking questions about the job, etc.

    -- researching the course requirements for particular careers; what degrees are best for the kinds of careers you are interested in now, and where are those degrees offered at the colleges you have explored?

    -- and, yes, actual paid work experience.

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