
Girl Scout SILVER AWARD ideas!!!?

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my girl scout silver award is due in a few months and i was wondering what are some good project ideas to do ?





     i found this website and its really good!!!

  2. I am doing the project too and I had some pretty good ideas just looking online!  You could work with an animal shelter near you if you like animals or hold a fashion show in your community where girls can get creative and design their own clothes and model them themselves which I think is really cool and requires a lot of work which is good for both girls and community.  You could also raise money in whatever way you please and send it to the troops which will help them and you will get the joy in helping others.  You could also create freindship boxes for sick of cancerous children in the hospital which is basically putting together fun (and CLEAN) toys together so they haved something to keep themselves occupied.  Another fun thing you could do is host a Christmas party for whoever you want and raise money to buy things for the younger guests so they get another Christmas present to open and they remember you so if you host it agan the next year, people will know it is a good cause and donate more and you get more guests.  

    Hope this helps!

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