
Girl age 14-16?

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That have got pregnate at a young ages. Do you regret getting preg at a young age? And would you tell other girls that say they want to get preg at a young age its a bad idea?

Please help me i have a younger friend that says she wants to get preg and i really need some help with this




  1. welll if she wants to be seen as the bane of society then she should go for it

  2. i got pregnant at 15 and had my son. i had a baby when i was a baby myself u can say. I'm 27 now. i love my son more than words can describe. getting pregnant as a teenager and still in school is a hard situation to deal with. being judged and called constant names and even been judged by people you don't know is hard. it caused a rift in my family. i haven't spoke to them in 13 years. its been me and my child since i was 15. my sons father wanted nothing to do with him and i feel bad for that because he deserves a dad and he deserved to have a better mom at the start of his life because i had no clue what i was doing !!! even though i love my son so much and i think now.......i wouldn't change things because i wouldn't have my son. but if i hadn't got pregnant at a young age then alot of bad memories that we share together wouldn't excite. and it would be easier. please show your friend this. the baby's father won't stick around and it wont be fair for her child. think about and don't be that selfish to deprive a child of what it needs. i cry every night knowing that my son doesn't know his family or father. your friend should reconsider. having kid is great but it is sooo hard even now. please tell her to reconsider. she's too young. and once she has her baby theres no going back. its a life long responsibility.

  3. Hi im 14 yrs old and i am pregnant no i do not regret it infact i think it is a blessing from god ..

    i really do thing your friend should wait though she may not be emotionally ready of pyhsically ready or even mentally read to have a baby .

    then i firt found out that i was having a baby i cryed and i was really scared at what i was going to do now that i have a baby thats coming that i have to sit aside everything else in the world for my baby and it is hard some times i  stay up and cry at nights because i still wonder how im going to do all this at the age of 14 !

    i have told my parents and they do want me to keep the baby and they have said that they will help me with every thing ..

    my mom got pregnant at 15 had her baby at 16 and got it taken away by child services....

    your friend doesnt want a baby right now !! plz explain to her that if she goes and has a baby that she could not only be hurting her self but she could also be hurting some one elses life if she isnt ready to have a baby yet .... i hope this helped i really do and i wish you and your friend the best of luck and remember once you have that baby you cant change it .. babys are alot of money and they need alot of love and care ..

  4. watch baby borrows......

    that is way to young, she is not financially, emotionally, or physically stable to have a child. I wish i would have waited to be done with school to have a baby because it is SO hard and babysitters are not cheap.....

  5. she cant be a teen if shes buzzy bein a mum can she perantings hard ive neve had a baby though but mums complain they never have time for themselves im 14 and she might regreat it and ignore it so she can be a teen;...

    please help

  6. ig ot pregnant at 16 and im now 17 with a 5 month old. its extremely hard. my babies father said he wanted a baby and i listened and as soon as i got prengnant he cheated on me and left me for another girl. he now has no part in my son life. I had no idea how hard it was. i wanted a baby and i always had a babydoll but you know what baby dolls dont wake up 3 times in the middle of the night. they dont cry. you dont have to pay for diapers and such. my best advice i can give you is tell your friend that it cost a small fortune to raise a child and most babies cry alot and they always want to be held(may seem joyful but when you have no time for just you, it drives you up the wall) the first 2 weeks are the easiest but after that it actually just gets harder and harder. you get no sleep and have no time. you really need to talk to her because she could be making a huge mistake. tell her not to have a baby till she has a college degree and can afford to ahve a child.

  7. Do I regret getting pregnant? Absolutely NOT! Do I wish I would have waited longer? Absolutely, but I wouldn't change it for the world now.

    Would I tell other teens that want to get pregnant it's a bad idea? Yes, I honestly would. It's A LOT of hard work. I wouldn't want to see other teens go through what I have been through. I am still going to school, but a lot of teen parents will drop out of school, but really they need to finish their education before even having kids! Going to school and having a child is not easy one bit.

  8. I didnt...but my friend was like...17 or 18, and she got married and had a child at that age. They became divorced..and she realize 18 was too young!!!

  9. Well i got preg at 12 and had a baby at 13.

    I do regret having s*x and not waiting but my baby is such a miracle to me.

    I would say wait in til your older. I may not regret my baby but i regret my act. I wish I would have waited. Most of the time the dad's run off b/c of the responsibility (mine did) so just wait.

  10. Why the h**l would she want to get preg?

    I she wants s*x thats ok.. but Huh pregnant?

  11. You need to tell her it's a bad idea - she'll be sorry. People at that age aren't emotionally or financially stable. If she wants to have time and money for her kid, then she NEEDS to wait. She'll be so busy trying to get money, and hanging with friends, she won't be able to spend time with her child. Plus - she wants her kid to have the best, and at 16, she'll only get the neccessities - so no cute clothes, and those toys - forget it.

    Think of it this way too - all her friends will be going to parties, going to college, and having fun - but she'll be stuck with a baby to take care of.

    Also, make sure she knows that it's NOT like babysitting 7-11, because you never go home and the baby will keep you up at night, and there's LOTS of dirty diapers, hun, it's NOT babysitting. AT ALL.

    If she looks this over and realizes she doesn't want her kids to have nice things, doesn't want her kids to be happy, doesn't want to have time for her kids, doesn't want to live a nice life, doesn't want to go out each night when she's 16, doesn't want to finish highschool, doesn't want to goto college, doesn't want to get a good nights sleep EVER again, and wants to have to struggle with 2-3 jobs for the rest of her life - then fine. But it's her screwed up life. A baby's not an accessorie - it's a living being. It's not a reason for companionship or to try-out your new mother instinct - it's a PERSON! If she understands ALL this, plus the risks of Birth Deffects, Still Born, AIDS, and not getting pregnant - then fine. She's a stupid SOB thou.

  12. tell your friend that having a baby is probably the hardest thing a young person can do.

    i have an 8 month old daughter and i am 16, i wouldnt change her for the world and i dont regret having her one bit.

    but i would give anything to have my childhood back!

    i have had to mature so much since she was born, and i dont do anything i used to.

    so i would tell your friend to not have a baby right now because she will regret giving up her childhood.

    your only a kid once, and not for long either, so tell her not to have her own baby when she is one herself, it will ruin her life.
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