
Girl at my school follows me EVERYWHERE?

by Guest61199  |  earlier

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ok there's a new girl at my school, and we started school like 2 weeks ago btw, that's when i met her. we were sat next to each other in computer apps and she seemed really quiet and intimidated so i said hi to her and asked her about herself, but now she NEVER LEAVES ME ALONE!! she follows me like evrywhere and when i went to the football game, everytime i would move seats she'd move so she could b like right next to me it's SOO annoying!! it's like she cant live without me and she doesnt know how to stand on her own two feet cuz she's sooo frickin shy she like doesnt talk to anyone and she always looks at my papers in computer apps like at my answers and constantly needs help and it's really annoying i HATE people looking off my work so i always cover it up with my arm but she always asks me to move it. how do i politely say UMM NO! DO UR OWN WORK! ?? i usually ignore her wen she's talking to me so i dont c y she finds me so appealing!! lol i'm going to youth church tonight and guaranteed she will follow me and sit by me and annoy the c**p outta me how do i get her not to?! my friends try to help me out but she still does it!!




  1. this girl has totally glomped onto your side, hasn't she?  well, let her know that she isn't about to get a free ride.  the next time she asks you to see your answers, simply tell her no.  explain that you work hard to earn your grades, and she should do the same.  ignore her if she protests, because it's ultimately your desicion.  the key is to be honest with her.  if you sugar coat your feelings about her sticky personality, she isn't going to get the whole picture, so be clear; explain that you feel as though she's following and copying and overall sticking to you far too much and that you have friends, interests, and parts of your life that you don't need or want her in.  encourage her to make new friends and discover her own interests.  if she still refuses to back off, try a different approach.  tell her every day if you have to.  depending on what type of person she is, it will take different methods to get her to understand, so try and try until one works!

  2. just be completely honest with her. tell her that she is getting on your nerves and ask her to stop.

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