
Girl kicked my son 12 years old in Testicles?

by Guest33484  |  earlier

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Today my sons 12 got kicked in the Testicles by a girl 11 he did not do anything to her , another boy hit her and my son was standing beside her she thought it was him but it wasn't ! the school called me to pick him up , after checking in the bathroom he had a huge cut and was bleeding ,i took him to the emergency room ,luckly nothing bad expect extensiv brusing and a huge open cut , the school gave girl 1 hour detention said also that the school is not reliable for incident ,my son was send back to class because they was not be able to look at it and did not felt the need to care for him longer in the nurses office , my question is what would you do if that happend to your child ?? as i m a little clueless on what i can and can not do or who i can hold resposible so that this girl will never kick another Boy ever again ! I asked to get Perents info school refuses to give me such info and said they punish her for her actions .




  1. Girls never seem to realize how much it hurts.

    I would contact the school once again for money to pay for any emotional and physical damage done to him and a suspension for the girl.

    If that doesn't work, get a lawyer.

  2. i would sue the school. it happened on school property and it sounds like their system is corrupt. what happens on school property has to be dealt with through the school- you can press charges on the girl. the school should have to pay the hospital bill.

    that is absolutely ridiculous- things could go wrong with him in the future in that area, so take action against the injury now. you'll wish you had. people should NEVER kick someone there, especially a twelve year old boy who is developing. i would see that principal in court. the little girl should not get away with something like that- teach her that is NOT the way to treat a boy. you better believe that if your son had done something equally offensive to her, everyone would be all over it just because he is a boy and she is a girl.

    as his parent, you are the ONLY one who is going to speak up on your son's behalf. exploit the school.

  3. Call a lawyer

    Somebody should be held responsible whether it be the school, the girl's parents, or a combination there of. That is horrible!

  4. This poor child will probably be in awful pain tomorrow.  Be sure he keeps the area clean as can be to prevent infection setting in....change underwear often for a while and shower thoroughly.....clean clothing is a must while the cut is healing...


    as far as the girl feeling she had to right to puncture and cut his balls, this needs to be addressed....

    sure the school did their appropriate punishment, but this is a physical assault....

    maybe call a personal injury attorney?

  5. you could always press charges. But why not talk to the education department first and see what further action can be taken

  6. This is what I would do.

    First call an attorney and get a consult on exactly what you can do as of suing them. Then Take him to the DR or back to the ER and let them Document this assault by photographing and documenting what happened .

    The next step is to not call the school but go in PERSON. Speak to the principal and explain to them "Zero Tolerance " Also "Assault & Battery and Sexual Harrasement  is considered here" also the school is liable as long as your child was in school so that part the school is either dumb or playing stupid.

    Well you need to show the school you are not going to back down or stupid, you tell them your attorney is on speed dial and is ready to draw suit against the school for not watching the children also for failure to keep control of there students, your child has suffered a tramatic blow to the testicles and is in pain and what this child did is considered Sexual Harrasement and also Assault and Battery she inflicted a wound as well by kicking him and making him bleed and brusie. Ask them if they would like to see the ER bill also document your sons bruises .

    I bet you any amount of money if your son did this by accident to this girl they would of had him suspended and what not.

    You go after this school and stand up for your son.

  7. Id tell the school you're filing a law suit and see if they are liable or not.Tell them the lawyer who is good at suing the school systems say they are VERY liable!

    Tell them they can have her suspended for a week and pay your medical bills and you'll drop the law suit, otherwise your going for THEIR testicles and won't stop until they are working the drive through at Hardees.

  8. Well, just make sure that the school called the parents and that is all you can do!

  9. Most schools would suspend the girl for that. It's considered fighting. Insist that they do something about it.

  10. I would ask the school if they had ever heard of zero tolerance, and I would demand something more than a 1 hour detention.

  11. Just be a Mom. Boys have been kicked there for years, trust me on this one. I am the father of a couple of girls and have taught them that this is the one place that will get boys to leave them alone, if kicked there. Perhaps your son should choose his company wisely.

    Suing the school? That is what is wrong with America today! Everyone thinks that suing will fix everything. In fact, it makes it worse. We all pay for it in the end.

    Just let your son be a boy and have his typical childhood. Maybe he will have learned a lesson about bothering girls.

  12. I would get a lawyer and fight the school board me and my son did and acually won he got in a 4 on one fight in english class and nothing was done to the other boys but my son wuz punished for some odd reason well we got a lawyer and got those kids kicked out of the school the a now in juvie

  13. a one hour detention for a violent physical assault of a very embarrassing nature for a 12 year-old boy seems pretty light.  if the principal will do nothing more, i suggest you go to the superintendent of schools.

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