
Girl missed her period. Condom was on. didnt break. but there was blood in condom?

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is she pregnant?

its kinda freakin me out here.




  1. Condoms are most effective when you withdraw immediately after ejaculation.  If sounds to me like you stayed in too long.  It also makes me wonder if you didn't squeeze the tip as you were putting it on.  Read the instructions and see if you followed them.

    Regardless, pregnancy can happen... you have to be prepared for it if you are having relations, as it is always a possibility no matter what kind of birth control you use.

  2. blood IN condom? why were you bleeding!!

    if shes under like 20 or so, than late periods are normal. tell her to take a pregnancy test. theres one out there that will tell you accurate results up to 5 days before her missed period. i'm not sure which one it is, probably clear blue... but it says that "its accurate up to 5 days before missed period" on the front of the box.  

  3. If the condom never broke, how was there blood in it?  Was she on her period at the time?  If so, I'm guessing some blood just got in under the rim.  If you pulled out directly after ejaculating, then the s***n wouldn't have been able to get out.  But you were "in there" for a while with blood around, so it had a chance to work it's way under the rim of the condom.  If this happened a month ago, and she was on her period at the time, then she's not really late.  It's 28 days (give or take) from the FIRST day of her last period, and this probably didn't happen on the first day.

  4. maybe her period is irregular, mine is. best way to know is get a pregnancy test. aren't they free anyway??


  6. =O tell her to go to a doctor but secretly cuz who really wants to tell their parents their pregnant? serioulsy she should go she really mite be

    but if not keep having fun! jk

  7. if the condom was on the guy and didnt break

    or anything then maybe the blood was from him

  8. Maybe you aren't the only guy she's been with?

  9. probably

  10. oh you know there is tecnology to

    tell you if she is or not

    its called a pregnacy test


  11. yes daddy don't have s*x until ur 18

  12. YOUR d**k TORE !

  13. I think the question here should be WHY THE h**l WAS THERE BLOOD IN THE CONDOM?!?!

  14. she isn't pregnant if you had a condom on unless there was a hole in it. also the blood was likely from her broken hymen, which is what happens when a girl loses her virginity (cherry pops).

    i wouldn't stress about it. having s*x does weird things to your body. especially the first time.

  15. first ask yourself this question. Was the blood yours or could it have been hers? If it was definatley not yours then what goes in can come out. No punn intended. Maybe if the blood was hers she was on her period and didn't realize it and she just hasn't started back yet. It probably wouldn't be time. Get a pregnancy test for her and ask her to take it. That will give you a definate

  16. PRIORITY #1: Have her take a pregnancy test.

    PRIORITY #2: Get your own goods tested for infection. Unless your partner was on her period, there should be NO blood in your condom. Better yet, the both of you should be checked out.

    Until you know for sure, just breath. Keep calm. It is entirely possible for women to miss their periods, especially if they are young. Still, though, it's best to know for sure, isn't it?

  17. hah yeah pregnancy test heloooo

  18. Best to have her take several different pregnancy tests, and have her see her doctor immediately.  

  19. The immaculate conception.

    I impregnanted her from california


  20. Even if the condom was on, and it didnt break. Theres still a good chance that she could be pregnant.

    If she takes pregnancy pills, that could also cause her to not have a period.

    But I dont see why there would be blood inside the condom.

    Have her take a pregnancy test. They arent always right, but maybe it will give you some sort of answer.

  21. prepare for the worst bro

  22. First off, it's been a month-do a test!

    Second-you say the blood was IN the condom...If it didn't break then that blood must have come from you. Her blood can't have gotten inside the condom unless it was used wrong or it broke.

    Get her to do a test.

  23. That sounds like something out of a horror story.

    Make her take a test.

  24. Well if the condom was on, and blood was IN the condom, then only one of two things happened: 1)you bled or 2)yes, the condom did break--maybe only a tear--maybe something you couldn't even see.

    You should encourage a pregnancy test just in case. It's not uncommon for the female to bleed during s*x now and again. But if it was inside the condom, there's no other explanation than it suffered some tear.

    Now none of tha guarantees she's pregnant. She may just be late. Go ahead and do the text though. You'll feel better once you know for sure regardless of the outcome.  

  25. Was the girl a virgin? Cause bleeding for her first time is normal....

  26. um, first time? it would explain the blood...

    periods are kinda weird. not always right on schedule, especially if shes young.... stressin or somethin..or exercisin more.  wait it out a bit more before you freak

  27. probably not. whos blood was it? how old is she? was it her first time?

  28. She very well could be. Condoms aren't 100% effective anyway. I would have her take a pregnancy test, and maybe see a doctor or go to Planned Parenthood to get checked out. It could be something else, but I'd recommend a test right away.

  29. don't better visit

    i guess you may get a proper solution. i found health related many information over there.  

  30. Prolly one slipped.

    She's most likely having a baby.

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