
Girl only: really men you don't want to read this!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok I am 24 years old and I have had my period for a hole month now.... straight in arrow non stop and I don't know what the h**l is going on!!!! Has anyone had this happen and what do you think is the problem??? Please don't say ask the doctor cause I don't have heath insurance at all and that is only a option if I have too. Just wondering if this is normal and if ayone else had this happen what was the problem.




  1. Go to a planned parenthood in your area.  they will never refuse to see you and they have a "sliding scale" for fees.  So the less you make, the less you have to pay them.  They will also bill you so you don't necessarily have to pay right then and there.  They also NEVER refuse treatment just because you can't pay. that is why they are around is to provide treatment for women and pregnant women who cannot afford it otherwise.  

    Having your period for that long straight is a sign that something is wrong.  It could be your birth control, but since you said that you are not insured, I am thinking you are NOT on birth control.  Seriously though, this could be endometriosis which is usually only resolved by surgery or possible hormone therapies.  Also, this much bleeding can cause other problems such as anemia (iron defficiency) and other things.  GO TO THE DOCTOR NOW!

  2. this has happen to me...i bled for 28 days straight nonstop one time...i had no choice, i had to see a doctor in order to stop it...good luck!  

  3. this has happened to me before. my doctor it was normal and not to worry about it. i started birth control and it regulated my period. dont worry you will be fine. unless you start clotting bad it will be ok.  

  4. is there a free clinic in your area? or is there a way that you can get assistance to see a doctor? i think i would go if i could, it doesn't sound normal. sometimes when women bleed a lot or for a very long time, the doctor will perform a D&C- and then the problem is usually fixed, but you need to find a way of getting to the doctor to have that done. good luck to you.

  5. You need to call your local free clinic (search "free clinic association" on yahoo and they'll tell you what ones are in your area). They can see you for free since you don't have insurance.

    I had my period for 2 months and I had endometreosis.  Had to have surgery.  They can give you a large dose of hormones to stop it and then taper off.

  6. You need to go to health department to have check up. It will be passed on wages. Some big city's health departments have a Doctor come in one day a week. You pay passed on income. You should go because when this happened to me I had a cyst.

  7. this is really bad plz see a doc

  8. web md doesn't require insurance.

  9. Let me tell you my story........(i thought i was the only one this happened to) in 2007 i only had a period 3 times out of 12 months......ok so this year when ever i start my period...guess how long it lasts???? 3 months!!!!! non stop...i get very scared but i do not want to go to a doctor...i do not trust them and every doctor say different things so you dont know who to trust right? so im not gna go...what ever happens happens....i just went to a regular one so i can give a blood test, she said i was very little blood in me because of how much blood im losing (3 months is a very long time to have a period, specially if you have a very heavy one) she prescribed me iron pills to drink 3 times a day so at least it can build more blood im always weak...i guess im just gna give never going to the doctor so i guess i have to deal with it...sorry for the long story and thanks for reading hope you feel better

  10. Get health insurance and see a doctor, you are putting yourself at risk.  

  11. Unless you are trying a new BC, it is definitely not normal. You are old enough that your period should be fairly regular. Go to a free clinic.

  12. Bleeding for that length of time is not a good sign no matter where is originates from.

    However, if it is actually coming from inside the uterus, the most likely possibility at your age is a spontanious abortion that never did finish clearing itself from your system. Fact is, it could be other things none of which should be left untreated. That area of you body is very vascular and having something erode into a vessel can cause uncontrolable bleeding - death.

    Really, there are clinics for uninsured people. Please go to one of them.

  13. No, it is definitely not normal.  Sorry but you will have to go see a doctor.

  14. Unless you're on birth control, specifically depo-provera, no it's not normal.  You should ask a health professional even if you can't afford to see one.  Try calling a nurse and just asking for advice.  

  15. well r u on any birth control? Some girl was on yaz once and she said she had her period for a month!

    Look it up, the depo shot deff makes ur period last long, but it could possible be somthing more seriouse!

  16. Are you on the pill? Sometimes this can be a side effect.

    Have you been ill or stressed out recently? Again this can effect your period.

    Ideally you should go see a doctor, but maybe there is a free clinic you can go to if you can't afford to go to the doctors?

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