
Girl problem about periods and dance class?

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I've been dancing since elementary school and now I'm going into 10th grade. Over the summer I haven't been dancing, and I just got my first period two months ago. My dance classes are about to begin again, and I'm going to be on my period the day of class. We have to wear leotards and white tights. The leotards are basically are like one-piece swimsuits. I am afraid that I will leak because I kind of have heavy periods. They're not terribly heavy but I have to change my "regular" sized pads every 3 hours-- every 2 hours if I'm exercising. My dance class is for 3.5 hours and there's no bathroom there, so I can't change my pad. What can I do? I can't wear pants in the class, and I can't wear a really thick pad because my leotard is tight and it will bulge. I am also afraid the wings will show because we do things like the splits while you're in a handstand, with someone holding your feet, so I'm afraid my partner will see it. Help?




  1. Don't panic, and whatever you do don't let it keep you from dancing.  You might want to give tampons a second try. but if not talk to your teacher and see if she'll let you where cut off sweats around that time of the month.  If your teacher's a woman she'll understand.  If it's a guy he'll be like okay, okay, 'nuff said.  If they don't listen, have your mom talk to them.

    Good luck

  2. I'm a swimmer so I no your problem. I used to worry about that stuff all the time, lucky for started in 10th grade, I started in 6th. Tampons are something you're going to want to try. They're uncomfortable at first but you'll get used to them. Part of the reason they can be uncomfortable at first it because they're not in correctly or all the way. If they're in correctly you wont even feel them. Spend this time before dance class finding a tampon that you find comfortable.

    best of luck


  3. I would talk to your dance teacher about it. Maybe she'll have an idea

  4. everyone starts their period at some point or another. its not something you have to try real hard to hide.

    just get some of the longer pads. they are just as thin as regular but they last a bit longer. see how it goes for the first class.

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