
Girl scout gold award project?

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do you need the silver award to get the gold award?




  1. if you are a senior or ambassador you should know the answer to that question yourself!!!

  2. look in the handbook. but i believe you do

  3. No, you don't need to earn the Silver to earn the Gold (or the Bronze to earn the Silver OR Gold).  That said, the Silver steps are very similar to the Gold, so it can help you know what to do - but it also can get you totally burnt out before even beginning, so it's a toss up! :-)

    You will need to purchase the "Gold Award: Go for it!" binder insert.  It's about less than $6, and lays out all the steps for you, has a place to record your steps, and so on -

    You'll also need a Gold Award advisor who can guide you through the process (who isn't your troop leader or parent).  Your GS Council most likely has information available on earning the award, even if not a formal training process.  It looks good for *them* to have girls earn the Gold Award, so it's in their best interest to promote it as best they can.

    Good luck!  It's not easy by a long shot, but quite an accomplishment.

  4. Um I just read the requirements at

    And it didn't say anything about the silver award... Maybe check with a leader or something.

    I'm a girl scout currently working on my silver award the gold award to super hard. So if you couldn't get your silver you have to be super determined

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