
Girl told me today, As long as it's between a Man & Wife, God approves of "A" & "O" type s*x, is this true?

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What do the rest of your ladies have to say about that?




  1. Good way to get what he wants thats what I'd say...

  2. I would say from all the questions on the same subject that you have asked recently that you are a bit obsessed with the subject!  You still waiting for someone to agree with your position on this??

  3. In the Christian Bible, (the book of Hebrews, to be exact) it says that the marriage bed is undefiled. Anything a husband and wife does (as long as it doesn't involve other people) is for them to enjoy with each other. Not everyone enjoys certain things, but they can certainly do it if they want. Some things, such as infidelity, would defile the marriage bed. But, as long as it's between man and wife, it's ok. That's what God created s*x for. Now, stop obsessing.

  4. presuming there is a god, theres nobody on the face of this planet who can actually know what he does and does not approve of.

  5. All I can say is "Whatever rocks your boat!!!"  I can't chose for another, just myself.  I like the opposite s*x, however, I don't feel that that's what makes me who I am.  If someone likes having s*x with the same s*x, that's there problem.

  6. is a- anal and o- oral??

    but i have a question about a guy & it'd be awesome if u could help me out :;...

  7. Well, I don't know about that. I've not found that passage. :)

    I think what goes in the M&W's bedroom is between M&W. I would leave God out of it. Thank God M&W are getting it on!

  8. In marriage only and that both husband and wife agree, it is okay.

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