
Girl trouble any help would be greatly appreciated?

by Guest64065  |  earlier

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Last month i spent a amazing night with the girl of my dreams, we didn't have s*x but we spent like 3 hours just staring at the stars and there was a little bit of making out but that was as far as it went. she went away for a week and didn't tell me, i called her and told her i was sorry if i made her mad in anyway. when she called me back i was asleep and missed her call, i called her the next day no answer, a day later no answer, its now been a month since we talked. its been eating at me for a month now and every day is getting worse. i will most likely see her in school in a few days and i was wondering what should i say to her, should i act like i dont care, or tell her how i fell, i would give anything just to talk to her again, and i want to make sure im doing this right because i only have one shot. o and we are both joining the Marine corps




  1. please do not act like nothing had happened or you don't care.  just tell her how you feel and how you felt that night. i'm sure the feelings are mutual. talk to her or write a cute little note.

  2. act like you still care, dont come on too strong, but just ask her how she is and that you missed her

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