
Girl uses the pill, does this always mean they are sexualy active? ?

by  |  earlier

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I would like too understand something, thanks for help.

If a girl uses the pill, does this mean she has been busy with love making? Or do alot of girls just take the pill after a certain age?

*the pill, I mean the one against getting pregnat.




  1. For one having s*x and making love is two different things but do get confused these days.

    Girls are convinced these chemicals are "good" for them. When in actuality they are not good but society needs to control the population somehow so they convince little girls and women they can alter nature by taking birth control. Then if they want to have s*x it is ok.

    Who better to feed a bunch of bs to then non thinking females.....

    No just because she is on the pill does not mean she is sleeping around, though she can if she wants without any baby forming. So if you are a guy there is a better chance for you to hook up with her.....    

  2. Girls use the "the pill" for other reason other than pregnancy prevention, such as to control an irregular period or for acne.  

  3. No, it doesn't mean she is sexually active.  The pill can be used for other things as well.  For instance it can be used for treating acne or regulating a girl's period.  The pill also gets rid of cramps.  So just because a girl is on the pill doesn't mean anything.

  4. no , some people take them for medicinal reasons such as problems with their period. There are other women who are not in a relationship right now, but want to be prepared if the need arises.  

  5. No. Birth control pills are also used to control extremely painful periods to make them lighter and easier to deal with.

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