
Girlfirend has trouble showing emotion, what do I do?

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We have been going out for almost a year and everything is great except for talking emotionally. I fell pretty g*y for saying that but I kind of need that aspect and she has trouble showing emotion. The only time she will cry is when something has been building up for awhile like if i said something mean or whatever but she never "opens up". We just went back to different schools, and though they were relatively close she never teared up. I almost did and it made my last night kinda misserable and a little mad wondering if she even cared. Suggestions?




  1. The key to a good relationship is communication, you should really tell her all of this, just be honest and tell her how you're feeling. If she is any kind of girl she will understand where your coming from and you guys will be able to work through it. Best of luck.

  2. Consider her family life. Has her family gone through hard times? Has she ever been emotionally abused? Are her parents divorced? Look at her past, and if something bad has happened to her, it's the reason she's not open. She's afraid to open up, and through her tough times, has learned to keep it all inside. She doesn't want to get hurt again by opening up and then it gets thrown back in her face.

  3. You are a kind of guy who likes to talk about emotion, and she's a girl who doesn't like to do it that way. Humm..reverse , eh? If I were you, I'll say, if you treat/ regard me as your boyfriend, please let me know whatever happens in your life, cos I do the same thing too, I let you be part of my life. Hope that works.  

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