
Girlfriend's finger tips feel poky...?

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does anyone have a clue to why my girlfriend's finngers feel poky ????




  1. so this is a martial arts question huh. shes probably been poking them somewhere, have you approached her about this?

  2. Do you mean rough? If she does a lot of art particularly with charcoal or paint getting on her hands, it can dry them out and make them rough. Or if she works with bleach a lot or any cleaning agent. If she works at a restaurant establishment, it is likely that the sanitizer solution they use there is mildly corrosive. I work at Starbucks and the sanitizer we use is a tiny bit corrosive, but nothing serious. Your hands will become slightly rougher and feel dry, but after 2 days they will feel normal again.

  3. Finger tips are for poking, and that's just what they'll do.

    One of these days those finger tips will poke all over you.

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