
Girlfriend doesn't understand that Bodybuilding is more importan than her?

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I know it might sound "harsh" but she knows that I've been doing this longer than I've been with her. I'm going to let her go because she always wants to do things that just flush all of my hard work down the toilet and than when I leaver her, she will be able to be with someone that will be able to appreciate her more. She's a nice woman and when I'm with her I do enjoy her company, but I feel she should be with someone else, I just don't want to upset her and make her sad because she always wants to do things with me.

How could I break it off with her without hurting her feelings and help her realize that she will be alot happier with someone else?




  1. you don't even deserve a girlfriend if you think that bodybuilding is more important than her! WTF is wrong with you!?!

  2. Tell her you're a self-centered jerk and that she would be far better off without you.  Then lose her number and never bother her again, and if she tries calling, don't answer.

  3. i agree with you, she should be with somebody else.  you have to tell her that you can`t give her what she needs and she will be happier with somebody else and you too will be happier with somebody else, who understands your preoccupations.

    answer mine please;...

  4. you dont have to leave just have to find activities you can do together without them hurting your excercise-100-muscles-a-day-and-have-no-... life...the problem is many couples think that going out to dinner is the only way to get a date...there is so much more you could do...try to find all of those things you both enjoy...if you cant well, leave her because she deserves someone who wants a woman more than a muscle...sorry if im a little harsh, but i had a bad experience with a guy for the same reason: he just thought about steroids and going to the gym, and yes, i deserved someone better

  5. Yes, she would be better off with some one else! Some one who isn't so self centered! Maybe after you set her free, you can just date yourself, in this way you can make sure that everything you do with your "date" wont flush all of your hard work down the toilet!

    Have you ever stopped to think that no matter who you date, there will always be some things that the other person would like to do that you'd rather not!

    Part of being in a relationship with some one is sharing each others interests, it sounds to me as if everything is cool as long as it is YOUR interests being shared and until you are ready to share in the interests of your girlfriend (no matter who she is) it would probably be best if you remained unattached!

    You sir are not only a narcissist, you are shallow!

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