
Girlfriend from colombia wants to send me something what should i ask for?

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My friend thats a girl wants to send me something from colombia, what should i ask for thats traditionally colombian, but that can be sent in the mail?




  1. pictures are always nice. you can frame them.

  2. Depends on what part she is from. Tell her to use her imagination and get you something from the area she lives. ... oh yea...and a bag of Juan Valdez coffee.


  3. Ask her some poster from nice colombian places. They are great, and you can make pictures from them and hang in ur room if you want.

    that's not expensive and easy to send. Also, she can send some artisanat from the place she lives in.

  4. Depends on where she is from. She could send a small Llama skin rug.. those are nice. The Black Pottery from Melgar is nice... Dont have her send you the Lame multicolored bus' that are in every tourist shop. Colombian Coffee is good.. Some Sello Rojo is good. Or if you want something simple. Just ask for some Mani Moto's.  

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