
Girlfriend going away!?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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My girlfriend is going to Adelaide for 2 weeks for state netball. I can deal with her going away for that long but I dont think our daughter(2) can. The longest that she has been away from her mother is 2 days without seeing her. She also has seperation anxiety so this is going to be bad if I can't do something about it. Any ideas on what to do???

BTW I'm 16 and my girlfriend is 14.




  1. I think the photo idea is a good one.

    To all those people saying things about the fact he had a baby at age 14. Who cares? She is born now and he was asking for advice on how he could handle her and the separation anxiety NOT rude comments about him being a young father. *sigh*

  2. Perhaps if you play with your daughter like your girlfriend does, that should be a big help.

    On another note, why are you having kids at 14 and 12?  I thought it was illegal to have s*x with anyone below age 14.

  3. Some ideas...

    Keep photos of mom out where she can see them-- maybe a photo album to flip through.  You can also print a photo out for her to carry around with her.

    Most libraries have a number of books about mommy going away and always coming back-- they're meant for situations where mommy is leaving her child at daycare, but they can work for this situation, too.

    When she gets sad and cries for mom, just repeat softly, "Mommy loves you and she's coming back soon."

    Let her talk on the phone with mom when possible... even if she doesn't talk into the phone yet, she will be reassured from hearing her mom's voice.

    Do some fun one-on-one activities with her to show her your undivided attention.  2 yr-olds love making playdough together (lots of recipes on the internet) and simple cooking recipes.

    Hope that helps.

  4. HI Aussie Dad... Congrats on your Daughter... I am from Australia too!!  As for your little problem.. Put Photos up around her.. let her ring her mum any time of the day/night ok then she is going to know that Mummy still loves her.. if you can and it is possible take her to see her Mummy on the weekend.. but always i mean always tell her that Mummy will be home soon.. and that she misses your daughter just as much as your daughter misses her...

    I do believe you are both too young for being parents but you must be doing ok for the DOCS people to stay off your back so congrats!! take care

  5. So your girlfriend was 12 when she gave birth?...Interesting :\

    Well, why doesn't your girlfriend take your daughter with her?

    Or why don't you all go to Adelaide?

  6. get a baby sitter and tell her the conditions then it will be alright

  7. Hey Jake :)

    well you should let your little Maddie talk to her on the phone and stuff so she know's mummy's alright :) Your a good daddy you will be fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


  8. I would have photos around of mummy and say that mummy will be back soon

    I would help her make stuff for mummy and take her out, there are lots of places to go for free and it is school holidays now so lots and lots to do!

  9. wow, she's totally running off.

  10. Yeah nice try...

    So you guys had s*x when you were 12 and 14? Pffft get a life seriously

  11. i think she will be able to handle it.

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