
Girlfriend going to college, Will it affect out relationship?

by  |  earlier

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So my girl is going to college, and well it ain't down the block. The only times I'm gonna be able to see her is at the weekends, chances are that we can't spend much time together cause I'm in my senior year of highschool. which almost needs my most full attention. We stay in touch all the time. But I'm trying to figure out how I will be able to see her also during the week. She's the only thing that matters to me.




  1. It is going to be challenging but you have to trust her. You will make it through this, so stay strong. :]

  2. It depends how long you been with your g/f and how you meet her goals in life. As far as your situation, being separated and just seeing her on the weekends will be fine. Make sure you call her during the week, if a girl can't be with you, generally the phone is the next best thing. She will understand about your studies as well as you understand about hers. I wouldn't worry about it too much, just tell her how you feel and she will be fine...I hope you have a nice relationship!

  3. even if you are not able to see her please tell her what you wrote above, I am sure she'll understand than and it wont eefect your relationship.

  4. Well it'll be hard to see her during the week when you have school. Trying going on little holidays that she wont get off if you can...other than that, weekends and the bigger holidays are the only time.

    Keep the relationship alive by doing little things that let her know you're thinking of her. You don't have to go all out spending loads of money or anything just sweet little gestures. Like texting her a quote, short poem, part of song or even just a little message that gets the point across. Or send her an email putting your feelings out on the table. It's great to read those things and have that warmth and comfort instantly wash over you. I hope things work out for you.

    Best of luck :)

  5. She's the only thing that matters to you? I respect that. It's sweet as h**l. There's a brain washing technique to include your studies and your hobbies in place as well if youre fixated on another human being. If you put your heart and soul into someone it can be damaging... anythings possible.. you'll miss her more and go crazy.. I hope you two stay together! good luck!

  6. If she love you no

    but If she is not really in love with you Yep!!

  7. she is gonna be seeing other guys so dump her, and find you another girlfriend.

  8. Dont you worry, all will be fine!

  9. Then make the effort by seeing her on the weekends that way you will have time for highschool and she will have time for college and on the weekends you can get together but during the weeks you can stay in touch by email, sms, and calling her. The one thing you should remember is that she will be in a very different envioment and someone might find an intrest in your girl thats why if you want this to work you need to step up the game because college is very different from high school, the work load, the people, guys, girls, hours.. Make time for each other and this should work out you both going to have to work seriously hard for this to work out.

  10. If You Two Really Love Each Other And Are Devoted To Each Other  I Don't See Any Problem  

  11. nothing can stop love, if you guys really love eachother you shouldnt be worried about it even a bit, and besides not seeing her everyday makes you guys miss eachother and more love comes :)

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