
Girlfriend going to college, will it affect our relationship?

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So my girl is going to college, and well it ain't down the block. The only times I'm gonna be able to see her is at the weekends, chances are that we can't spend much time together cause I'm in my senior year of highschool. which almost needs my most full attention. We stay in touch all the time. But I'm trying to figure out how I will be able to see her also during the week. She's the only thing that matters to me.




  1. Your trust will be tested my friend. You cannot have any healthy relationship without trust. In a distance relationship it's that much more important. Just remember that if you can't trust each other than you shouldn't be together. Also, absence breeds fondness and familiarity breeds contempt. What that means is the time apart will either strengthen your bond or it will let you realize that you may not be right for each other. A lot depends on how you play it. College is a great experience so what ever you do don't try to stifle her. Let her find her way and don't be jealous or you will loose her so fast you won't know what happened.

  2. Oh, don't worry yourself ^_^, now if you had said she was miles away and you could only see her on holidays, that would be a problem because long distance relationships usually don't last long. Just keep in touch with her, chat with her on the phone, continue to focus on your school-work and when the weekend comes you'll have time to spend with your gf and be happy. I'm sure the situation will balance itself out.=). Good luck and..

    God Bless!

  3. she's already having s*x with another guy...don't worry about it, be a senior god to a freshman girl while youre still in hs.  and next year it'll be your turn to live in the dorms and rope all kinds of girls.  it sounds hard to believe, but a year from now you'll be on to bigger and better things...and if you play your cards'll be having so much s*x in your freshman year of college it'll make your head spin.  let her go, and enjoy your youth while you can.

  4. its hard...when my gf went lead to our break not saying the same will happen to you...but u really need to be careful....ur relationship is about to be put to the test....if its meant to will work out...if not...sory.......

  5. once u get out of hs u can go to her college

  6. I did long distance relationship for three years and it worked.  I was in college, as well.  Long distance works if both of you want them to work.  You have to trust and love each other fully.  She's going to be hanging out with all kinds of new people, even guys, if she says he's just a friend, believe her, and don't badger her about it.  If you get jealous than that may lead to a break up.  Same goes with her, just make her feel at ease about the whole thing, because it is tough.

    Besides that, you can call her, write her emails, and send her little gifts just so she knows that you're thinking about her.

    Good luck and if it's meant to be, then it will last. :)

  7. Yeah, 'cause she'll f**k other guys and still take all the money you'll dish out. Give it up and move on.

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