
Girlfriend leading me on? or just guy-friends?

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My girlfriend has been hanging out with a lot of guys lately and she says she's just trying to be more sociable. Her friends told me she is just leading me on to find another guy. I know she hates her friends and makes more guy friends than girl friends anyway, what do you think?




  1. Here is your play dude, you have to go out and make girl friends. Then say you are going to hangout with those girl friends. She's testing you, to see if you jump on her back....become controlling and tell her to not hangout with those guys anymore. Instead be a chill & cool man. Reverse the game on her and don't worry about what she's doing with other guys. If she tries to outplay you in that game, she isn't THAT into you. If she gets mad....or says something...then you've have to be an Alpha Male...and not let her take control!

  2. I think the real question is how is your relationship with her. If things are going good maybe she is just hanging out. But if you're in a relationship rut ... Well it's over rock!!!

  3. Story of my life!

    I have a lot more guy friends, and the girl friends I do have, I HATE!

    My boyfriend often gets jealous that I'm gettin rides home from work with, or hanging out, or messaging a lot of guys, but really I love him to bits and he doesn't need to worry.

    I'm sure she's the same as me, she just likes how guys aren't catty and bitchy and just simply gets along better with them.

    Dont worry! :)

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